Hey everybody, Been working on this for a week or two now and wanted to share my progress. I plan on taking this to Games Day 2011 this year, and, even though I know I probably won't win anything, it'll be a good feeling knowing that I completed something and was able to enter it. I'm mainly looking forward to seeing all the cool things there and walking away with some inspiration for future projects. I have an online blog that I update and so have neglected to put stuff here (even though I follow this site religiously!) So I'm trying to get back in the mode of making some posts here. Anyways, I have been working on this unit filler, and plan on finishing it up tomorrow. The plan is to have a few skinks in there carrying off a Cold One egg, and the Saurus warrior prodding them along, ready to defend in case the mother Cold One comes around to protect her brood. Tough to envision, I know, but you'll see. Anyways, here's my progress. Thanks for checking.
Re: Saurus Spear Unit Filler. Simple and effective. As long as the story is easily understood just by looking it is going to be great!
Re: Saurus Spear Unit Filler. Sounds cool, and what you have done so far looks great! I am keen to see this piece complete.
Re: Saurus Spear Unit Filler. Looks great! I dig the story as well What are the pillars made from, and how'd you do the grooves?
Re: Saurus Spear Unit Filler. Finally got a chance to finish this all up. I am pleased with the way it turned out and even though I'm going to take it with me this wknd to Games Day I know that it's not where I want it to be, in terms of painting. Because of my procrastination I didn't give it the paint job that I wanted. At any rate, I like the way it turned out. Here's some pics of the completed Unit Filler for my Saurus Warriors with spears. Let me know your thoughts. You can visit my blog for more info. Thanks.
I really like it!!! Very creative, it fits really well in the unit. I would LOVE to paint such a unit filler and not be satisfied about it .
Wow they look very cool in the full unit! Great work! The eggs maybe look a bit too big though? But overall the effect is very striking.
Very Nice! When I look at this I say, that guy is smart, he can make any unit cheaper money wise by using some artistic talent. My unit filler is my stegadon... but I do have plans to make it out of something different. I love the bases you put on them too.
Like everyone else has said, it looks great completed. What a wonderful filler. What is the next idea?
Hey all, Quick update. First of all, thanks to everybody for all the compliments on my unit filler. I liked the way it turned out and I was pretty proud of the compliments I received while at Games Day. So... I didn't make the first cut with this piece and would have been proud of myself if I did, however, I knew it was a long shot going in. There was some amazing pieces there this year and the competition was fierce. Wappelious (sp?) had his army there in it's entirety and I have to say that his army was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It was cool to see it in person. Also props to strategiccommand, his army was awesome and the Thunder Lizard was even bigger in person! It was a good weekend and I was glad to be a part of it. If anything, I have received some good motivation and inspiration to do some new work. Anyways, I'm sure there will be multiple posts from this weekend for the people that were there. Just wanted to give a quick update. I'll have another thread with some pics. Thanks again for all the feedback!