well this is the begining to my lizardmen giant this is also my first attempt at sculpting a minature these pictures are day one. this is my base idea http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s327/ssj_brolly499/Primal_Rage_Armadon_by_Scatha_the_Worm.png wire frame miniature http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s327/ssj_brolly499/securedownload.jpg
It should be very interesting to see how this ends up working for you. Please, keep us updated on a regular basis .
That looks very similar to a character in an old Sega Genesis game called Primal Rage. I loved that game as a kid!
Look at the pictures page title. It IS that character. Any plans on the rules? Perhaps a normal giant with cold blooded and a scaly save.
no goal in changing rules i just dont think the normal warhammer giant fits with lizardmen. and yes it is the primal rage armadon i always liked him the best and now i can use him again. wish they would re release the game with better graphics and more characters. anyh advice on putty i should use. green stuff is just really expensive
You can buy muchmuchmuch larger amounts of Green Stuff from Gale Force 9. http://www.gf9.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=36&products_id=165 It may be twice the price of a GW packet, but you get 5 times the amount. Also, I've seen people start with an action figure or another model of some sort that fits the rough shape they intend to use, and then build off of there.
Wayland Games also has greenstuff much cheaper than GW. Actually anywhere would be cheaper than GW... The seperate tubes (GF9) is handy though because it means they won't start to set in the middle. http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/Wayla...-stuff-8-Inch-get-1-inch-free/prod_12130.html
Here is a listing of several vendors. I use the first on the list and get enough green stuff to last me 4-6 months at a time for less than $20. http://www.polymericsystems.com/epo...tapes/where-to-get-kneadatite-blue-yellow.htm