8th Ed. Lizardmen need some artillary in 8th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by mcasefire, May 25, 2011.

  1. CthuluIsSpy

    CthuluIsSpy New Member

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    things I would like to see

    1) Better magical items. Seriously, the majority of the LM aresenal is either crap, or filler.

    2) Sacred spawings, like in the last addition. Should add some more variety into the game play. Maybe randomly determined, to make things interesting.

    3) BIGGER MONSTERS. Lustria is meant to be the land of the monsters! Why are our current beasties so small?!

    4) Tehenuin needs to be stronger. Kinda underwhelming for 250pts, dontcha think?

    5) Blowpipes need to be quick fire

    6) More weapon options for saurus

    7) More flyers. Like, a sorta quezlcoatl thing, you know, from Aztec myth

    8) MC, cause, you know, this is Lustria

    Yeah, I think that's about it.
    And referring to the topic, LM don't really need artillery. The Sallies are pretty decent, we have access to nice portable ballista that comes compete with poison and terror. Also, spikey machine guns (Razors) and bombers (Terradons) are pretty nice.
  2. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Agree with all of these except 4) all our characters are underwhelming for their costs. Even with the high cost, they mostly have major weaknesses or irelevant special abilities.

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