Hey everybody, a quick question: can terradons drop rocks on a unit that is in close combat? the only target restriction given in the rules is that the dons have to move over the enemy unit, nothing is beeing said that the they can not do it in cc.
Well the attack goes in the movement phase and the stipulation is you must pass over at least one model from the unit in the movement phase. However if you charge someone, you don't move over them you move in front of them So IMO I'd say no.
imo it is equivalent to a shooting attack that is initiated in the movement phase and since your not allowed to shoot into cc, I think your out of luck
@ fer: Where in the book is it mentioned to be a shooting attack? imho that is a question to be faq-ed. Or at least mentioned and agreed upon before you start your battle. When you read the book it only states that they may drop rocks when at least one model has moved over an enemy unit during the movementphase. There is no restriction given in the book.....
sorry, that is my RAI thoughts, not actually pulled from anywhere specific in the army book you can probably argue that it would be acceptable for the time being until the FAQ
If the unit I was intending to drop rocks on was also engaged in HtH combat I would fully expect to divide the atttacks amongst all other units engaged in that same combat. Friend or Foe. Sure, it doesn't say to divide the attacks. it just says pick a unit and drop them. Last I checked it also didn't say the rocks had +1 to enemy seeking in the middle of a melee either... =P
Of course you have to ask the question en talk about it with your opponent (most of the times a.k.a. friend) and come to u mutual agreement. Just because it's not written, the opposite isn't automatically true. i can only agree with that, but most of the arguments (pro's and cons) are based on assumptiones and other personal values. So intill faq-ed talk about it. Purely looking at RAW (clearly GW strongest point ) and kicking out logic (as in Teclis learned high magic from the Slanns and they themself do not know this lore at all) i cannot find a reason not to drop them into hth combat.
what if the terries flank charge a unit that is engaged from the front with saurus skinks/whatever can they drop rocks then this seems to be along the same lines so thought i'd ask
if you are talking about dropping rocks on the unit you just flanked charged... no you can't since you never flew over them