Hello I´m building my army and thought that desert lizardmen would look pretty good. Any proposals how to do it. Thanks
i guess it would be cool enough. either go for a natural look of brown/bone/yellow tones, or you could go for something more vibrant, like this: Another approach is to make the bases look like desert but use a really colorful skintone like red or green to contrast with the yellowish sand, like this guy: http://tomb-kings.net/index.php?showtopic=8976 good luck, and be sure to keep us posted on your progress
Thank you. I think I will use the coloures on the picture you posted . I will get the coloures and post some pictures of the results.
my army has a desert theme. check it out for some ideas. colors are iyanden darksun for the scales, tau ochre for the body and a devlan mud wash. eventually they will be highlighted up to brighten them up, but thats the basics. http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6310&start=0
I have been on holidays for the last week but now I did some testing with the coloures and painted one saurus warrior. I will post some pictures tommorow.
OK. here are some pictures of the test one(it´s my 7 saurus I painted). Let my know what you guys think. http://www.shrani.si/f/44/h4/2zf002Kx/dsc6814.jpg http://www.shrani.si/f/3b/pV/zmS3mXw/dsc6827.jpg http://www.shrani.si/f/2v/Iz/1uplHS2g/dsc6829.jpg http://www.shrani.si/f/3v/qM/3JkLNxyf/dsc6830.jpg sorry for the bad photos.
It could just be the photos, but it looks like the gold and white could use another coat of paint, its a good start though. The important part is you being happy with the color scheme.
Nice colour choices, good start for the model. When you are going to paint a largish area white or bone (like the shield, or to a lesser extent the spines) it is usually easier to do it if you build up to white, rather than putting it straight on the very dark brown. This can be as simple as first mixing the brown 40/60 with the white colour and applying a quick layer of that before the white, or as complex as building up through several layers of thin highlight depending on how much time you want to spend on each model. I agree with Rolfgar, you need to add another thin layer anyway for even coverage. Try to stop bubbles getting in your work, this often happens if the paint is too thin, or you are trying to paint too fast, or you have mixed or shaken the paint too vigorously. They're easy to dab off with the brush while still wet, but a bit harder to remove when dry. Finally, get some wash or ink onto the whole model to add some depth to it easily! That shield would love a bit of devlan mud. Keep at it!
Bad photos? Bad photos? Those are better that the ones I take easily. I agree with what has already been stated. A wash is a very, very good thing. On some of my models, I will only use washes over several layers.
The picture was zoomed in photoshop so I did´t notice(my brother photographed and posted the picture. It looked OK when I painted it. But I will folow your advice and add some more paint and re-paint the shild. What do you think would look better: 1. a white shield with some brown for highlights or 2. very dark brown shield. thanks for the comments.
This site might help a bit. http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/miniature_painting_getting_started.html I recomend it to all the beginer painters.
Looks pretty good so far. I also agree with using a wash over the model and the shield to give it more depth. Good start and keep it up!
Yeah you always notice more flaws that you didn't otherwise see when you take a high res or large photo... Its annoying actually! I'd stick with a lighter coloured shield since the rest of the model is dark brown. You want a bit of contrast in there otherwise it will look like a brown blob with nothing to catch the eye. You don't have to repaint the shield now, just add a little extra thinned paint to smooth it then adda bit of devlan mud to add depth.
Delven Mud is a wash, so it works different than regular paint. I strongly suggest you check out the GW site, they have some tutorials about using their washes. In the event you really like using washes you can also check out Secret Weapon Washes. They give you about twice as much for the same price as GW and they also carry a much larger line of colors.
I am making a giant desert turtle convertion. It is going to a bit smaller than the stegadon and it is going to have a saurus crew with lences or skinks with blowpipes/javelins. I think I will use these coloures http://www.shrani.si/f/2Y/3N/ualIeQ1/images.jpg. Let me know of your suggestions and comments.