Very cool, n810! Looking at the pictures, I'm REALLY liking these: And I was thinking that they could be used much like fanatics or squigs from O&G's (which, imo, Lizardmen could stand to have a similar unit)! What do you think?
Yea I'd like to see a mini basesd on a Therizinosaurus. ->Video <-- Video
Strange looking creatures. It looks odd having lizard scales and feathers/fur on the same creature, but I guess that is the missing link between dinosaurs and birds. Cool stuff!
They are finding more and more dinosaur fossils with that sort of 'hair-like' feather. It seems to be fairly common on the smaller therapod species, and even T.Rex might well have had a frill of some sort. It probably helps that now palentologists are looking at the rock surrounding the bones a lot more thoroughly than they did in the past. If all you're looking for is the bones, it's really easy to overlook subtle patterns in the rock a few inches (or a few feet, for the bigger species) away.
Cold one anyone? Nice link there N810, some pretty cool ideas! Big fan of the -ceratops family . The would make pretty cool Stegadons .