8th Ed. New Tactics 4000 Points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Arli, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I am trying some new tactics. This is a 4000 point list. I will put the lords and heroes before the unit they go into.

    Slann (Life)
    Forbidden Rod
    Divine Plaque of Protection
    Focus of Mystery
    Higher State of Consciousness
    Becalming Cogitation
    Focused Rumination

    This slann will provide support for the Saurus unit. He will go into a unit of skinks (for the look out sir).

    50 Skink cohorts full command

    Slann (beasts) General
    Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    Crown of Command
    Focus of Mystery
    Higher State of Consciousness
    Becalming Cogitation
    Focused Rumination

    Skink Chief BSB (skavenpelt banner)

    Scar Vet
    Sword of the Hornet
    Shield of Ptolos

    Scar vet
    Sword of Swift Slaying
    Gambler's armor
    Potion of speed

    43 Saurus Warriors with full command. Beasts Slann, skink BSB, and both scar vets go here.
    Cold one
    11 Cold One Calvary
    Hanuchi's banner

    Now the rest of the army...

    2x 10 cohorts with 1 Kroxigor (speed bumps)
    2x 7 Chameleons
    1 unit of 4 Terradons
    3x2 salamanders
    1 Ancient Stegadon

    That comes in at 4000 points on the nose. What are your thoughts?
  2. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    Might want to make it 2 units of 3 sallies instead of 3 of 2.. which is illegal (max 2 rare choices of the same type).
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    At that point level, You can take 3 units of 2. 3000+ games allow for 4 duplicates from the rares. Page 135 in the small rule book under Grand Army.
  4. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    Really have to give that book another read o_O sorry about that. I like the setup, but can't help thinking that 2 blocks might not be enough.. You got a plan?
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Not really. I want to try it out. I did change one of the scar-vets so that one has the other tricksters shard. That reroll of successfull ward saves, destroys brettonians.
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Sorry this is so long.

    The game lasted 4 rounds. Had we been able to complete one more round, I would have won the game. As it stands, I pulled a draw. Here is the abbreviated version of the game.

    Round 1
    I got first turn as the Brett player prayed for that infernal ward save (which he made most of the game). I messed up my deployment of my terradons thinking he would put his trench buckets on the right flank. He did not. I had to cross the field to get the terradons in the right direction. I used my chameleons to move up and take single shots at each trench bucket in the mean time. I also positioned one of the chameleon units to redirect some grail knights so that they would be forced to off the board if they overrun.
    I moved up my CoC, Saurus (with slann and characters) and moved up my Life Slann with skinks. I put the two speed bump units of skrox out in front of the Beasts slann (and saurus).
    Moved my 3 salamander units up and fired. One up the left flank, one in the middle, and one on the right flank. Left salamander killed 1 grail knight and then ate some skinks. Middle salamander killed 2 peasants and wounded one pegasus knight. The right salamander unit killed 3 Knights and ran them off the table with the panic check. That took a beasts caster (lvl2) and a dispell scroll out of the game.

    The right hand salamander went on to be the game MVP. This unit kept moving and burning. The other salamander units were 'meh' for the rest of the game.

    Magic: I got off throne of vine. I also got off curse of Anharer (makes all terrain dangerous and fails on a 1 and 2). That was it (he forgot to dispel Thorne of Vines for the rest of the game too).

    His turn saw a challenge monkey (character that is set up for challenges forces the acceptance of the challenge, re-rolls hits and wounds in challenges). He never made it to a unit with a character in it either. Tied up with the chameleons then eventually charged the stegadon. No characters.
    His charge on the chameleons (which I chose to rank up in a line of 7, blocked his grail knights from charging this turn.
    His men at arms charged the other unit of chameleons, killing them all.
    His Pegasus Knights charged the middle salamander, which ran. He redirected into the front skrox unit. He decimated that unit and overran into the second skrox unit.
    His magic was uneventful. He got off a couple of Heavens spells. That was it.
    Round 2
    I charged a unit of entrenched peasants with my CoC. I moved the left salamander up to burn some peasants (who passed their leadership check). I failed a charge into the men at arms with my stegadon.
    I moved up both my slann units (skinks and saurus) closer to the combat with the Pegasus knights.
    His peasants took out one CoC. The CoC won the combat easily. I chose to reform to face the unit that had the Curse on it.
    I charged the terradons into the men at arms (Bad idea here). The men at arms easily killed the terradons (only 3 were left because one went down to shooting).
    Magic: This turn, I had 10 casting dice. I got off shield of thorns on the skrox unit. I also got flesh to stone and Wyslynn's wild form on that unit. I recast the curse spell on the unit near the CoC.
    The skrox unit, killed 1 Pegasus knight and wounded another, He did no wounds to the unit. He lost combat and ran; I failed to catch him by a mere 1 inch.
    His turn:
    He took the dangerous terrain test for the curse and lost only 1 guy. He then decimated the CoC. The lone remaining CoC ran from the combat to end up near his Challenge Monkey.
    He charged the grail knights into the salamander unit. I chose to run, he caught them. The Pegasus Knights rallied (he chose not to move).
    I dispelled all but one spell. He got off an irresistible reroll all 1s spell from a lvl2 heavens caster). She was then sucked into the warp. Magic phase over.
    Round 3
    I charged the Pegasus Knights again with the skrox. I moved the beasts slann unit up behind the skrox unit. I then moved the Life slann behind the saurus unit.

    The stegadon makes the charge against the men at arms. The stegadon gets stuck here and never dies. The stegadon loses the crew twice (love regrowth). It kills the men at arms and the knight in that unit and is left facing the challenge monkey.
    I rallied the scar vet on cold one.
    Magic: I had about 8 power dice this time. I buffed the skrox unit with the beasts signature spell for +1 str and +1 toughness. That is about all that happened this turn in magic.
    The Pegasus knights fail the fear check and can only kill one skink. The skrox unit Kills 1 and wounds another. The Pegasus fail the leadership check and flee. The Skrox unit catches them. This unit is the 2nd MVP. 10 skinks and a Kroxigor killed 5 Pegasus knights (although it really cost another unit of 10 and 1 as well).

    His turn:
    He charged the scar vet with his grail knights.
    He charged the challenge monkey into the stegadon.
    He charged another unit of knights into the skrox unit.
    Two slanns with becalming cogitation is a beautiful thing! I denied his heavens caster (lvl4) and a Life caster their 6s. He failed to cast anything on them. I really liked having that discipline on two slanns. It is worth the cost.
    The scar-vet takes one wound and runs, getting away. He has two units in perfect placement for a burn from the middle salamander unit. No real effect though.
    The skrox unit is destroyed this time. He overruns into the saurus unit.

    Round 4
    No charges or moves this time.
    No really good stuff this time. I tried to use the forbidden rod and only rolled a 1 for the extra die. That is only about the 3rd time that I have not rolled well with that item (in about 20 games). I had 4 dice and he had 3 dispel.
    No real good stuff here either. He directed all his attacks at my beasts slann and failed to kill it.
    His turn was the same. Becalming killed all his spells. We called it then because he had to go. It was a draw (with 92 points separating our armies). He did concede that if we went one more round, the suarus unit would have killed his knights and I would have won.
    Looking at the battle over all, I would have done better taking Lore of Light instead of Life. That way, I may have gotten the saurus unit into combat faster.
    Oh yeah, remember how I wanted to use the skavenpelt banner for the frenzy on the saurus unit? I forgot to use frenzy in both combats. It may or may not have made a difference.

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