Hi, In order to make army of 5 Stegadons the only thing I need are cheap stegadons. So here's my question: Do you use stegadon proxes? If yes, what minis do you use? I've found this triceratops as quite nice size for use with warhammer scale: Schleich 14504 Triceratops It's small enought and it's very cheap $5 for one. Also this is the ugliest Triceratops I've ever seen . Do you know any better ones that are also quite cheap and good scale? Picture of Schleich 14504 Triceratops
I actualy bought that one, it's a bit small, but should be in scale with the old metal howda. Ps. not the uglyest I have seen, there are far worse out there.
Well I'm about to buy 5 of those if I wont find anything better. I might make a movable howdah and take other dinosaurs. not sure yet. I just don't like it's long face. I might get bigger model (1:40 or 1:35) but not sure if it would be suitable for base and the game itself.
I've seen quite a few plastic toy triceratops that look better than that, but I couldn't tell you the brands. Try Google. 5 in one army huh? I'd like a battle report on that!
i would suggest using 5 different types of toy dinosaurs rather than 5 of the same type. it would look very dull with 5 identical stegadons, especially toy ones, since they are much less detailed than warhammer models. they dont all have to be triceratops' either, maybe some of the below versions:
Since my all army would be clones of 4th/5th edition minis I wont bother having clone stegadons. Also I'll convert every stegadon to make a slightly different pose and 3 of them would be ancient or with option to take ancient upgrades (more horns and better armor). I like idea of getting stegosaurus as this is a nice dino with small head I could easily swap with kroxigor heads. Mounting howdah would be a bit hard. I've also considered diplodocus, but I've found it too much 'unarmored'. No scales and horns at all. Ankylosaurus is very nice choice but it's quite low in height. I saw stegosaurus and diplodocus used as stegadons somewhere in this forum, and I have to admit i liked the idea. I might go this way. I might buy a few other minis and make them stegadons too. Probably I'll be using removable howdahs.
I've seen a giant turtle mini or 2 out there (maybe reaper or ral partha?) that I've thought would make brilliant stegadon stand-ins.
Turtle is nice Idea too. I've been in a toy store today and the dino I've showed in first post is way too small. I think I need the bigger triceratops from same company. Also they make awesome scenery (trees) but those are just a bit too expensive to make a whole table using those.