Yo peeples! I'm brand new to things, but have been immersing myself in backstory, playing games with my local group, and just started painting my first models. Picked Lizards mostly due to feel, and happy to find that it's an army with some serious weapons to employ. Can't wait to utilize this site resource for discussing all things L-men. Always had interest in mini-gaming, but never had the support or funds. Thank god for being employed! lol Nothing like making up for lost time.
Hello and welcome to L-O and Warhammer Fantasy in general! I see that you're from Chicago area. Games Workshop just had their annual North American GamesDay in Chicago. It was a blast! Speaking to a couple GW reps, they said they will try to have it there every year.. so something to look forward to come next July.
ANNUALLY IN CHICAGO!? Bloody hell... that's brilliant lol I went this year actually! Bought my L-men army book and some lucky green dice at their fenced in store thing. I didn't know what I was missing though.... I would've gone much earlier had I known the gaming I could have been playing. Thanks for the warm welcome!
You're welcome! The GW rep I talked to was the lead manager for hiring GW Store Managers - named Josh. So yeah, the Donald Stephens Convention Center in Chicago was an excellent place for GamesDay North America. Lots of room and easily accessable from states as it's right off a major highway. By the way, my buddy (he plays primarily Dark Elves) and I not only went this past month.. but also got our picture taken and pasted on the front page of the GamesDay 2011 coverage (under Warhammer Big Game - we are the ones shaking hands)! We won lots of loot too... he made out with $120 of free goodies and I got $250. Not a bad haul and had a very sweet time. Looking forward to next years already!