Warhammer 40K..BOO! Didn't expect that one did ya?

Discussion in 'Trading Forum' started by Carlo Marx, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    This probably wont come of anything but it's worth a try.

    I have some Necrons I want to get rid of. There's around 48 Warriors, 2 lords (one of foot and one on on a destroyer body), 4 flayed ones, 3 destroyers, 2 heavy destroyers, the nightbringer, a monolith, scarabs, and I think that's it.

    I also have some Adeptus Arbites from Necromunda, some Space Maine jump troops, and the Blood Angels librarian special character.

    There's 2,000 pts of bots and I would like to let those go for about $125 (there's some minor repairs that need to be done and some conversions I did in an attempt to give the army a little more character). The rest I can give away for $40 or trade for IG Radio pack bits and grenade and canteen bits (enough to give 30 guys packs) and $20.

    I would trade the Necrons for either Skaven, Lizardmen or IG.

    And in the perchance that someone does with to trade I'll be sending half of the trade first and sending the second half upon receiving models in the mail.
  2. Kingin

    Kingin New Member

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    Hey I got lots of IG if you still have the Necrons

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