7th Ed. Lizardmen vs Wood Elves

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Durak, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Durak

    Durak New Member

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    So I thought I'd share my first WHFB game with you guys. The opponent: my wife. I've gotten her to get the Wood Elf battalion box, book and hero at the moment, though we'll see how long she retains interest. At any rate, we ran through our first game today. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the rules that well and need to play against people who do to help me through. She knows nothing about wargaming in general let along Fantasy. that said, here's what happened in a 500 point game. Just know that I put this together with everything I have in troops... that changed today with the addition of the Battalion box for the Lizards, but anyway...


    Lizardmen (7th ed)

    Nacon (Scar Vet)
    -Light Armor
    -Enchanted Shield
    -Horned One

    Ah Kinchil (Skink Priest) (second sign, Celestial Shield, and Uranon's T-bolt)
    -Level 2
    -Sun Staff (three shots a turn thing)
    -Plaque of Teopec

    10x Temple Guard
    -Full Command
    -Firefly venom for the reveared Guardian

    Her List:

    Wood Elf hero
    -Wardance Kindred rules (Wardancer Weapons, Immune to Psych, Shadow Dances, and Talismanic Tattoos)
    -Amasomethinganother Talismen (+3 ward save against non-magical attacks)

    8x Glade Riders
    11x Dryads

    There were three stands of trees (6 inch, 12 inch and a little 5 inch cresent) I go first and advance, casting Second Sign of whatever, getting it with a 7 and she promptly dispels it. Oh well. She takes her turn, runs the Glade Riders off to my left, the Dryads and hero into tress on my right. The Riders fire some arrows, hit my Scar Vet and Temple Guard, doing no wounds, and we move on to the next round.

    Scar Vet charges the Glade Riders who put a wound on him with a stand and shoot order (pretty much my dice were terrible today!) While the Temple Guard wheel to present their front arc to the Dryads. Priest gets LOS of the unit. Magic phase, I pop off Uranon's Thunderbolt, hit, she can't dispel (rolled a 12) and so I figure we are going to get crackin' now. Rolled a 5 for the number hit, then promptly rolled several 1's and 2's and only killed two. Fine... whatever. Eat lightning from the Sun Staff... and miss all three shots. Scar Vet off's two Glade Riders and we move to her turn.

    Dryads charge the Temple Guard and killed one, while the Temple Guard attacked back, killing a Dyrad (I think it was my Reveared Guardian with his magical weapon; I'm rolling real low here) The Elf hero hides out in the woods and the Glade Riders tried in vein to hurt the Scar Vet, who gleefully hacked down 4 more. They passed their checks (I guess; still too new to this game!) and we moved to my turn.

    Temple Guard kill a few more Dryads without any retribution. The priest did nothing of importance. The Scar Vet was killed by the last two Glade Riders. Yeah... I need pretty much a 2+ armor save and I roll another 1. I just shook my head.

    Her turn, flank charge the Temple Guard with the Glade Riders and Hero. Hero cuts down 4 of them and the Riders kill another one. Dryads do a few more and I called it. Dice were just horrid today!

    At any rate, it was fun and she's still a little interested. The multitude of rules hurts but she should be hooked on the painting soon. Myself, I just need some loaded dice so I can stinkin' have a "few" decent rolls! Thanks for reading a 500 point battle-report; just thought i'd share!
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Your lucky I couldn't get my wife past one game, though she played TK so that didn't help. I as well hate low dice games, had a game like that last week in our mordheim campaign, my entire army was massacred by core nurglings who rolled 6s like the whole game while I rolled 1s and 2s.
  3. IsawaShori

    IsawaShori New Member

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    How in the hell did you get your wife into the game. I have tried with mine, and the best I can get is permission to play the game myself.

    Good for you guys though. hope you both stay with it and expand your armies to a full 2K force.
  4. Durak

    Durak New Member

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    Well, it didn't help that I bought her battalion box at 25% off and used money I'd earned selling classic battletech figures on ebay ;)

    In all seriousness, she wanted to do something that I do and I was fine with it. I showed her miniatures for all of the armies and let her pick the faction, as she was at first afraid I was just trying to get a second army "secretly." It also helped that she likes to paint (or at least, right now!) We started painting a few random LotR armored elves and have painted six of the Dyrads so far. Just need to base them and photograph 'em.

    Whether she truely sticks with it or not is anyone's guess, but we'll see. Wish me luck! :smug:
  5. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Well good luck and amen to that :)

    One thing though, to keep your armies more balanced, you should probably stick to the rules conserning min core choises and max characters and special/rare choises.. Other then that, I'm a bit jealous. Let's just hope she hold her interest :)

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