So I am still pretty new to fantasy (been playing 40k since 95). I gotta say I love LM, they fit well with my playing style...and hell they are dinosaurs...what more could you want. Here are some current pics of my army...I am a casual painter at the best of times. (oh yeah...I suck at taking photos...)
I know most paint the shields red...but considering I have over 10k points of Blood Angels...well, I just get tired of red thanks for linking those pics, for some reason it wouldnt' allow me to do it.
You've got a good start on an army. Nice block of saurus too. My first slann was simply a base cut out of cardboard (so I had the right size) and a proxy model in its place until I got an actual model.. which ended up being the old style on-throne carries by 4 Temple Guard. I much rather like the newer slann - which is what you've got! I look forward to seeing more of your army as you get them. Keep up the good work!
the pics are a bit blurry, and a bit too zoomed out for my taste. all i can say is that the models are painted and the colors are reasonable. cant say anything about the quality of the painting really. it is great that you have done move trays with sanded/grassed edges. it really sestroys a nice looking army if you have non painted grey move trays i am always sceptical towards armies that are painted the same way as the army book (cause i get fed up with the general look of it since GW insists on only ever showing one army of each team) so i will be most positive about your stegadon, since it is at least slightly different than the "standard". Also i like what you have done with the base of the slann. keep up the good work, and you will have a nice looking army in the end <--- See link Yes posting links and images is different than other sites, mostly to cut down on spam.