Please pardon the quality of the pics I had to use my backup digital camera while my nice cam is out being repaired. My Slann, One thing you cannot see is the blue glowing floating stones. Slann with his Posse (Simple conversion of just Greenstuffing a small ridge under their eyes) I couldn't deside on what wash to use so I used them all. Kroxigores MY two packs of single blessing Saurus's Haz Skink? I do.
cool how many diffrent colors u have used ... only thing is ....they are rainbow people but that doesent change the fact that those are exelently painted and the scheme works
I like the slan priest.You need the slan to have a blowpipe in his mouth as if he was getting high.Or a peace sign with is hands. But really cool.
LMAO thats a hilarious idea! Love it. I might have to try that when I get a Slann. Pretty cool blending, I do think there is a touch too much colour for my liking though. The paint work looks good, you might want to pick out details like teeth and claws with bone though. Adding detail like that can really make models.