8th Ed. 2500 pt Lizardmen versus Ogre Kingdoms

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by cyanhawk, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. cyanhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    cyanhawk New Member

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    I had a game against my buddy mike today. He brought out his ogres and I had my trusty old lizardmen. I took notes throughout the game. Unfortunately neither of us took pictures and deployment and terrain were huge in this game. Ive put together a quick paint pic below. The green blobs are forest, brown hill, and blue river/lake.


    Ogres are in black and deployed left from right 6 Maneaters (Scouting put them here), Iron Blaster, 19 Ironguts unit in horde formation with 2 slaughtermasters and bruiser bsb, and 6 Mournfang Cavalry. The light blue square is 7 chameleon skinks.

    The lizard man deployment from left to right is Skink Chieftan on an Ancient Steg with the war spear, 2 Razordons, 2 Razordons, 30 Saurus Warriors muso SB,30 Saurus warriors muso SB, 9 Cold one Cav with full command and a scar vet. The Slann was deployed behind the two saurus warrior blocks.

    I chose Shadow for my Slann and knew all spells. One slaughter master had beasts with Pann pelt, Savage Beast of Horros, and Transformation of Kadon. The other Slaughter master had Spinemarrow, Troll guts, and The Maw

    Without further ado battle report, battle report, battle report HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    LM 1: Movement: The chameleons got within 5 inches of the ironblaster. The ancient moved up next to the lake angled to the right, the razordon packs moved up to face right in an angle connecting the saurus warriors and stegadon.
    Magic: I rolled pretty bad for magic, I think I had 3 dice. I cast the enhanced version of Melkoth' Mystifying Miasma on his mournfang. They lost 1 WS BS I and M until my next casting phase.
    Shooting: Only the chameleons were in range. I fired 14 shots and did 3 wounds to the iron blaster.
    Combat: None this turn

    Ogre 1: Movement: The maneaters moved closer to the chameleons, everything else moved closer to my battle line.
    Magic: He cast The Maw successfully and put the big template over one of the Saurus units. He then misfired on the scatter. I put the template on his Ironguts and scattered into nowhere.
    Shooting: He lined up a nice cannon shot and then misfired. The Iron blaster lurched and ended up facing my chameleons.
    Combat: None this turn

    LM 2: Movement: Backed my cold one cav up 2 inches to guarantee I charge his mournfang and not the other way around. Slid the right most saurus block 2 inches to the right.
    Magic: Cast Melkoth's Miasma on the Mournfang again lowering all 4 stats by 1 again. I attempted Pit of Shades but failed to cast.
    Shooting: The Chameleons finished off the ironblaster. I shot 4d6 shots from the ancients blowpipes and 4 artillery dice worth of shots from the razordons at the ironguts and ended up causing 14 wounds.
    Combat: Still None

    Ogre 2: Movement: The maneaters declared a charge against the chameleons which fled and got away. The iron guts charged one of the razordon packs who had to stand and shoot. The mournfang moved up. The razordons roll 2 artillery dice each when they stand and shoot, and I had 2 in each pack. The first one rolled double misfire and ate 5 handlers. The second caused 4 or 5 wounds.
    Magic: He cast Troll guts and Spinemarrow on the ironguts, and savage beast of horros on one of the slaughter masters. He tried to cast transformation of kadon but failed to cast.
    Shooting: None
    Combat: He killed the razordon unit pretty handily and over ran into the second razordon pack.

    LM 3:Movement: I rallied the chameleons and turned them to face the maneaters. Charged one saurus block into the front of the iron guts and the ancient steg and the other saurus block into his flanks. Charged the cold one cav into his mournfang unit.
    Magic: I cast the enfeebling foe on the iron guts again (neither of us saw that it was remains in play) and promptly rolled irresistable force. I rolled a 4 on the miscast table, and then rolled a 4 to pass the miscast along to his slaughtermaster with cupped hands. The str 10 big template wounded 2 ogres and killed 6 saurus. He rolled a 5 to not get sucked into the warp. He also took away the rest of my power dice.
    Shooting: None
    Combat: We resolved the massive combat in the middle first. The stegadon had 2d6+1 impact hits and I rolled a 5 and ended up doing one wound. The riders and the steg itself did another 2 or 3 wounds. The razordons did nothing. The Saurus blocks did there jobs and caused 4 or 5 more wounds. He failed a bunch of armor saves but made quite alot of regen saves throughout this combat. He put a wound on the ancient steg and killed 4 or 5 saurus. The minus 2 to str caused alot of grief for him, basically made his great weapons cause more trouble than they were good since he was always striking last. I won combat but he held on a stubborn 9.

    The Mournfang fight went much better for him. I did 1 wound. He killed 7 cold one cav. I passed my leadership test and stayed.

    Ogre 3: Movement: Maneaters charged the chameleons. They elected to stand and shoot. The maneaters failed to reach and took 2 wounds.
    Magic: He rolled pretty poorly for his magic dice and only got 3 or 4. He rolled all his dice to cast trollguts on the ironbreaker unit. I failed to dispel it.
    Shooting: None
    Combat: He elected to do the mournfang combat first. I challenged with my scar vet and he accepted. The Scarvet cause 3 wounds and the mount cause 1 killing the champ. The rest of the mournfang wiped out the last 2 models from the cold one unit. The scar vet passed his leadership test to stay in the fight. This was bad for him. If the mournfang had flanked my saurus block it would have been trouble.
    The big combat didnt go well for him at all. He failed pretty much every armor save and regen save he had to take. He ended up losing by 8 and fled. The razordon pack ran him down. The saurus block in his flank combat reformed to face the mournfang and the stegadon reformed to head around the lake towards the man eaters.

    At this point he conceded but I was out for Ogre blood and convinced him to go one more turn.

    LM 4: Movement: A saurus block charged into his mournfang. The razordons moved up closer to the maneaters.
    Magic: I cast Melkoth on the mournfang and reduced ws bs I and M by 2. I cast Okhams on the saurus warriors giving them str 8.
    Shooting: The chameleons shot the maneaters and killed 1.
    Combat: Everything on my side went first thanks to his reduced initiative. The ScarVet killed on of the mournfang, leaving 4 left. The saurus killed 2 more. The mournfang tried to kill my scar vet and he passed all his 1+ re-roll able armor saves. The mournfang fled and got away, but went off the table.

    Ogre 4: Movement: The maneaters charged the razordons. The razordons rolled 24 shots on 4 artillery dice. No maneaters made it into combat.

    At this point he had nothing left on the table. I only lost one razordon pack the whole game. Overall I won a massacre.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I like hearing about razordons doing well. I just bought two to make a potential unit of three (I've been sometimes using Salamanders as Razordons before).

    I also see you did fairly well with Shadows. I think that's recently become my favorite lore myself.
  3. cyanhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    cyanhawk New Member

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    I was surprised as to how effective the razordons were. I have always felt them to be the lesser of the two options. I usually take 2 packs of 2 salamanders. I may try 1 pack of 2 razors and 1 pack of 2 sallies in the future.
  4. Battlehamster

    Battlehamster New Member

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    I wouldn't think that razordons would do so well against high toughness ogres without poison. Good to hear they are doing well for you.

    I do wonder though, if when you rolled that double misfire on that stand and shoot, I am almost certain you only take 1d3 of skinks away, not 2d3. Can anybody confirm this?
  5. cyanhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    cyanhawk New Member

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    Razordon shots are str 4. So wounding ogres on 4's. Average ogres are running either a 5+ or 6+ armor save so thats either negated or 6+. I actually took them specifically to handle the ogres knowing that ogres love to charge. In contrast the poisoned blowpipes on the steg ended up doing only like 1 or 2 wounds.

    I might have been mistaken on the misfire rolls. Honestly I think we did a few small rules incorrectly that game as some odd scenarios showed themselves. But we just went with the flow.

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