Hi I am just building my army and I have some saurus and terradons. Is there any tactic how to use terradons corretly in this army. Thanks for the answers
I don't think there is a correct way to play these. But I think they best serve their roles when vanguarding and possible drop rocks on some support enemy unit on turn 1. Same time getting in position for turn 2 charge against warmachine. After that either go after more warmachines or annoy and redirect bigger anemy units. You can also try to get rid of those enemy supports in CC but I find terradons to be abit weak in combat other tyan WMs.
The best part about Terradons is that there is no singe strategy with them, they can serve many purposes in an army. A couple off the top of my head are distraction and war machine hunting, but there are many more than this, try checking the site for terradon tactic articles.
They have the skink trademark of dieing very easily, but if you can keep them around they are very good against any wizards left outside units (drop rocks and then javelin if they survive that), reasonable against warmachines (generally more worthwhile to have dropped rocks on something else on the way to the WM). Their greatest effect can often be the effort the enemy use to rid themselves of this interloper in their rear.
So the best way to use them is to drop rocks on dangerus units and then kill WM or charge other units.
Remember they are Skirmishers too and can turn (reform) whenever they want. You can fly over a unit, drop rocks, then turn to face their rear for a next turn rear charge.
Pretty much my favorite unit to "have fun messing" with. Have an idea? Try it out! Their strengths I'd play to though are: Feigned Fleight/Swiftstride: The rules make fleeing awesome for Terradons. Since they FLEE on the best 2 of 3D6, unless their being charged by a cav unit with high movement, they should be able to avoid overruns most of the time (statistically at least). Then when they rally (Cold-blooded RULES), they can MOVE on the SAME TURN! You can bait the enemy into missing his charges, mess up his battles lines, and then turn around and fly 20" the other way while your bigs slam in and rape face. TIKTAQ'TO: I know people don't like characters, but this guy makes your terradons beast. If you can field an army big enough to use him, he can lead a Terradon unit, has higher leadership, and is a LITTLE less squishy than the other riders. Oh... and his mount gets killing blow (eventually). Using him to bring in a squishy unit as reserve, to any table edge, late in the game could protect the points while giving you an advanced look at your opponents strategy. One of my favorites flavor wise too, as he was a major part of backstory battles.
I'm got 3 terradons in the mail. Do they work alright at the minimum unit size or is it better to aim for a bigger unit or multiple units?
I use them to support my saurus. i have them make their vanguard move and then drop rocks on the target my suarus will charge and later hunt down war machines and stray models. I always go into battle with 2 units of 3 one on each flank. one will hit the saurus' target and the other will hit wizards war machines or archers (though i prefer having chameleon skinks take out the war machines at least in shooting. Save drop rocks for low armored troops or anything annoying).
i find them very confusing in CC, the rider en the terradon have both diferend WS and also the Str. Maybe i`m doing it wrong but you need to rol diferend for every attack you make with them, Am i wrong?
Correct, as with all mounted units, you will roll all of the riders (skinks) at once, and all of the mounts (terradons) at once. To see which order you go in, you look at their initiative. The skinks will all attack at initiative 4, and the terradons will all attack at initiative 2, then again they will stomp at initiative one.
Are you sure about the stomp attack? That would be awesome if true. I am putting a unit together at the moment...
Another useful terradon trick is to play them as naked skink chiefs on terradons. They'll cost you 85 points a pop and eat into your hero allowance but they open up a HUGE range of possibilities. Basically, they become slightly expensive High Elf great eagles. If you're interested, the HE forums have a wealth of strategies, here's a useful one; http://www.ulthuan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=33028 (Try to ignore the elf-specific advice!) I've had great success with 'The Run Down' (using terradon to run down a fleeing enemy to free up your hard-hitting units), 'The Speed Bump' (the trick that got me using solo-chiefs on terradons; place your terradon 1" away from an enemy unit, but way off to the side so you block their movement but would force a turn to charge you. In their turn they can either charge (and you run away) and pull themselves out of position, or not move at all and fall behind their battle-line) and 'The Double Block' (similar to the last but with two terradons placed slightly apart. You opponent charges the first, flee, and then re-directs to the second, flee, leaving him even further out of position!). There are many more options still to try! It's not for everyone, but as my hero section is usually a little empty they fill a neat little slot! I recommend taking two if you plan on trying them out. They can really be a pain in the ass for just about any army and can still perform most of the actions a unit of three normal terradons can do.
Thanks, excellent advice. I've used the double block tactic with small skink units (10 guys, not skirmished) and a swarm, which is a much cheaper way to do that trick, but in a pinch it's good to have a back up plan. Going to read that Ulthuan article now - my HE opponent probably already has!
I'll have to look that up and confirm - I thought they were "flying cavalry" instead of "Monstous beasts"? The special rules were listed as "Cold Blooded; Jungle Poisons; Flying Cavalry; Hit and Run; Drop Rocks; Arboreal Predators." The FAQ replaces Flying Cavalry with "Fast Cavalry, Fly, Forest Strider" Seems odd that a unit that isn't really touching the ground would be able to stomp, but if you're right then I'll be happy to have the extra attack...Do High Elf Eagles stomp too?
HE Great Eagles do indeed have a stomp attack, I haven't a clue if terradons do as well. T'hinker'er, your HE opponent has certainly read that guide, it's a staple of those pesky elves! Similar things can be achieved with small units of skirmishers/swarms but the 20" movement makes a terradon the perfect example!
Yes, I see that the HE eagle is in fact a monstrous beast...but then again it isn't cavalry, is it? I suppose the better question would be to ask whether WE hawk riders or Bret Pegasus riders have stomp. I read the tactica....very good stuff and a few tricks that I haven't tried yet. Definitely printing this one out