As the topic suggests I have just finished painting my very first lizardman! Let me know what you guys think any tips/suggestions are very welcome
Pretty cool for your first lizzie. My critique is that it is very monotone. I'm a big fan of bright, colorful, contrasty lizardmen. If you go to that site it will auto generate complimentary colors to go with the colors you want to use, so you can put that orange/brown as the main color and see what colors it recommends to go with it. That way you don't have to worry about a color variety looking weird because it will have 3000 years of color theory behind it.
Looks great! Maybe a different colour on the shield, so it's not completely red/orange and brown? I did a similar thing with my saurus (green scales, green shield), and it looks a little bit too green-blobbish from a distance.
Thanks for the tips guys! I agree that it is too samey. I've repainted the shield green and will post pick tonight. Good call on that website btw, found it very useful.