I tried searching around the forum but couldn't find what I was looking for. Does the crew on the stegadon share its 90 degree LoS or do they have a 360 degree LoS It's a bit confusing, cause on the pictures the crew are looking and aiming in different directions, but I can't find any rules regarding LoS of the crew. (I'm mainly thinking about the Skink Priest and spellcasting)
no you dont think. it is the truth. it is a monster and there fore the whole model uses the LOS of the monster base. an so your skink priest only has LOS 90%. but the stegadon is a mosnter and can pivot on spot for free and is a large target wchich means msot of the times you are able to see anything you are aiming for. ( ie forked lighting and thunderbolt?) NEVER look at the model itself to interprete rules!!!! the models are there just to indentify the units and make it look nice. that's the only function they have. heck you can even play warhammer with cut out pieces of cardboard with arrows on it pointing which side they are looking at.
What a shame. Then again, it might have been too good. (btw, actually looking at the model usually covers a lot of rules most of the time; size, wings, equipment, facing and type for example) And just to be safe, a couple of more questions: A character on a Stegadon cannot refuse a challenge? A Skink Priest on a Stegadon in combat cannot use, nor channel, magic missiles?
Oh I got a question if someone flanks the Stegadon can the Stegadon fight or just the Skink crew, had a problem with this when playing with Black Coach see that the horses can only fight if enemy's in front. Is it the same with Stegadon? Because its on a Chariot base?
it is not a chariot it a monsterous creature so it can attack (one of the reasons it cost so much more) the impact hits are just a special rule for the steg cause ogres do impact hits but they can still attack
He can refuse a challenge if he has joined a unit. if he's on his own, well no , cause he cant hide somewhere. no magic missiles. but uhm, heavens dodesn't has any magic missiles so your question is a bit out of the rules. forked lightning and thunderbolt are just ranged spells that need LOS. so they can be cast if the preist is in combat and can actually see over the unit it is in combat with ( caus of large target) and so target a unit that is not in combat. ( ie you can't cast spells into a combat unless it is stated it can.) for example: priest on EOTG is in combat ( front to front) with some ghouls. at the left rear of the ghouls are some blackknight ready to counter charge into the flank. you can see over the ghouls and see just by an inch the black knights. there for you can cast a lightning and thunderbolt upon the blackknights. You cant cast it at the ghouls cause you " might" hit your self.
I was mainly thinking about channeled Magic Missiles, didn't bother to check if Heaven actually had any magic missiles, but thanks for the info.