New Guy

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Truthsayer, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Truthsayer
    Jungle Swarm

    Truthsayer New Member

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    whats up guys, been skimming the forums here for a while whenever i have downtime at work. Theres some interesting blogs on here and i hope to contribute in the near future.

    I have three crested geckos and im hoping to paint some of my lizardmen in thier likeness. if anyone here is into the herpetoculture thing let me know what kinds of lizards you have!

    looking forward to being an active member on this site.

  2. JesseS

    JesseS New Member

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    I have two Savanna Monitors (Varanus exanthematicus) named Scramble and Douglas, I am planning on painting up my Saurus to resemble them!

    I also have a Ceram Mangrove Monitor (Varanus cerambonensis, part of the V. indicus complex) named Skitters.

    Welcome to the forum!
  3. Truthsayer
    Jungle Swarm

    Truthsayer New Member

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    wow those look like powerful lizards. how large do they grow, and how do you house them? are you able to hold them and personalize them? Can't wait to see how you simulate thier colours on your Lizardmen... keep me posted.

    I know with my Cresties I can let them 'hand-walk' which is just letting them jump from one of my hands to the next to simulate thier need to jump through foliage in the wild. my oldest Crestie (Ceasar) is about a year old and when i take him out of the terrarium he just chills on my head while i play video games or watch TV.

    I will post pics of my three crested geckos (including my GF's crestie: Pumpkin) when I can.
  4. JesseS

    JesseS New Member

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    The Skitters is fairly small (Ceram's, unlike other Mangrove Monitors) rarely get above three feet long, and considering his tail is longer than the rest of his body combined, it makes for a relatively small lizard. Which is good because he is violent, high strung, and supremely territorial. If I'm giving him a bath and someone else comes into the room he will jump up onto my shoulder and start hissing and tail-whipping at them.

    The two Savanna's are much more docile, Douglas is pretty much a 'lap lizard'. Scramble is a bit small for her age (about 30" long), and Douglas is a large for his (he's about 44" long) so they are comically mismatched in size. Both are still growing.

    I keep Skitters in a 2ft deep x 4ft wide x 4ft tall custom built enclosure right now, which he's fast outgrowing so I'm building him a 4ft deep x 6" wide x 5ft tall one with a built in waterfall and pond (Mangrove Monitors are half arboreal and half aquatic). I'm hoping to have it down by January.

    Douglas and Scramble take up half the master bedroom, I build an enclosure for them 12.25ft long x 6ft deep x 4ft high and I keep my bed on top of it! Sadly Douglas is outgrowing his half so I'm going to have to move Scramble somewhere and give him the full thing...
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I think we might need some pictures for Lizardmen AND terrain building inspiration. :smug:
  6. Ihx-Karaq

    Ihx-Karaq New Member

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    Yep, post pics!

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