Warhammer Online

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Enigma, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    Just curious, is anyone here playing WAR?

    If so, what do you think of it? I started playing just some days ago and find it quite fun. A bit like WoW, but in the warhammer world.
    I'm just playing the "endless trial" at the moment, it seems like I need to upgrade my RAM and graphic card in order to really enjoy the game, but as soon as I've fixed that I'm going to buy the full game.
    It would be cool to see if anyon from here would be on as well.

    For those wondering: WAR is Warhammer online, Age of reckoning. A world of warcraft wannabe (but better imho ^^) and no, unfortunently you can't play Lizardmen, though that would really be cool!
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I played for a while, got it as a gift and it comes with a month free or whatever. See I used to be a huge mmorpg nerd, and yes...I played WoW, and was considerably "addicted". I played WoW for about 3 maybe 4 years, but finally quit as I matured and realized it was kinda pointless. Even after you max your level, and get every scrap of rare gear, and pwn everyone in PvP, eventually you simply run out of stuff to do...and start...all...over...

    To me it was the defination of Insanity...

    Anyway when I played Warhammer Online for that free month it was just before I quit the mmorpg genre all together, and I have to say it wasn't a half bad game. It was pretty fun, and it definately makes a great roleplaying game. Alot of people enjoy talking, and acting as if they really were their characters, which really brought out the fantasy in the game. WoW has a few servers like that, but no one seems to really take it as seriously.

    In the end though, they are really the same game, and they are both...a waste...of life...

    Sorry if I offended any die hard mmorpg fans...
  3. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    hehe, I only had to play WoW for 6 months to come to the same conclusion ^^
    Still, I enjoy these kinds of games, as long as one doesn't end up "addicted" The RPG feel of the game is one of the aspects I really appreciates. I have so far not seen a single High elf running around asking for "free itmes lololol!!11" or Orcs calling the Dark elves n00bs!!!11. I'm probably not going to play it much longer than 6 months anyway, but I'm quite sure I'm going to enjoy it the entire time ^^

    ...and yes, you have probably managed to enrage most of the MMORGP communities with that post.
    ...but seriously, aren't they always enraged? :p
  4. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Yeah, well just before and during the early part of my WoW addiction I played RPG in aol chatrooms for 6 years, so I definately enjoyed the roleplaying perspective of WAR. Much better and more mature than WoW.
    ( RPG is a 100% text based roleplaying game that takes place in chatrooms created by everyday people, where you completely invent your character from the ground up and intereact with other peoples characters. )
  5. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    I tried that once, never worked out though :/
    I've been playing pen-and-paper rpgs for about 12 years so it's no suprise that I gravitate towards the rpg aspect of WAR as well.
    The only thing I can complain about though is that WAR has so few players if compared to WoW or let's say tibia. But that might also be the good thing as it seem like there's more of the mature people there, as you said.

    Well, ok. I do complain of not being able to play Lizardmen or skaven too ^_^
  6. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    I played WAR for about a month and got to leveled to about tier 3 but then unsubscribed (so I could do well in school). I'll might resubscribe next week (end of school).

    I generally enjoyed playing it, except when your realm mates are idiots (rolled a Rune Priest, selfish glory hogging friends are the death of healers).

    If in the inevitable expansion (which has been promised to be free) adds a Lizardmen vs Skaven paring I will definitely stay subscribed.
  7. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    I really hope there'll nevber be such an expansion... I mean seriously? Lizardmen vs. skaven???
    ...I would never be able to logg off!
    Hehehe! No seriously that would be really interesting to see. But would Lizardmen be order or disorder? Sure, they hate chaos as much as everyone else, and they frequently battle undead, skaven and Dark elves. But at the same time they are really not a part of the Old world where all the rest of the forces of order are. My guess would be for the next races to be like Brettonia or Wood elves with Chaos dwarves or Ogres for the disorder.
  8. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Of course they would be Order! It's far more farfetch that the Dark Elves let Greenskins into their cities then it is for the Slann to sit out such a huge conflict that could bring about the extinction of many races that are part of the Old Ones plan.
  9. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    Sure I can go with that. If they need to be placed in order or destruction then it's an easy choice, but I feel that they are a bit more on the neutral side. Sure they hate chaos, but they aren't really on anyones side but their own... which goes for just about every oth race so that argument is moot ^_^

    Never really liked the idea of how the dark elves controlled the orcs like they did by the way...
  10. Raithial

    Raithial New Member

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    I actually beg to differ :3 I think the Lizardmen might very well be the pinnacle of order; They have been known to suddenly shift the world in any way they wish, and their numbers are pretty much unknown. I would even believe that the cult of Sotek would enter the human cities as an emissary of the Lizardmen as a whole.
    They oppose Chaos, Greenskins and Dark-elves all together, and those three make up the side of Destruction on WAR.
    Sure, they might not be too agreeable towards the rest of Order, but then there is also a lot of animosity between the dwarves and High Elves, and still they stand together strong under the banner of men, and I believe the Cult of Sotek would be an excellent addition to their armies. They could even take Saurus Warrior(Melee DPS), Temple guards(Tank) Skink handler(salamander/razordon, Ranged DPS) and Skink Priest(healer) That seems to me like an excellent line-up for the Lizardmen classes too.
  11. Piano-ID

    Piano-ID New Member

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    Does anyone play this game anymore ?
    I resubscriped while ago,and im looking someone to play with :) I have some characters in Karak-Norn,PM me for further details

  12. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    It's been a while since i've played though my daughter does occasionally but she is on the trial version. I was up and running at game launch and stopped playing halfway through the 2nd year.

    - Lord Cedric
  13. gapton

    gapton Member

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    People who think games is a, I quote, *WASTE OF LIFE* might be interested in this video where a game maker promise to give you 7 mins of extra lifespan upon watching it.


    Hardcore gamers who play 10 hours a day aside, I hope some day people will stop seeing games as a *WASTE* of time. Because it truly isn't.

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