Hello ppl! I have been searching the internet for the entire morning and I can't really find any good inspiring pics of some Lizardmen shields. I have a tan/brown/red color scheme and don't know what color i should put on the shields. What colors do you guys use for your shields? anything els then the usual red? Pls inspire me!
While I am absolutely no good painter myself, I find color schemes really important. So, my shields for Saurus warriors are all the same. And I still like them (also, it's easy to paint, which is another plus for me!) My saurus warriors are primarily green, with white stripes and a few bright red/yellow points (the head, mostly). My shields are divided in 3 'strokes', the middle of the shield (large scale), the scales surrounding the middle and the other scales which sit around the edge. The middle is yellow, the surrounding scales are orange and the edge is red. Like a bullseye . Your opponent should hit the yellow part, that way they don't hit your saurus My skink shields are even easier. I use white, blue, orange, yellow and red to paint it. Every scale gets a different color. It gives a nice colorfull shield that still looks solid. Did I mention this was easy? Anyway, my painting skills aren't good in any way. So don't take any advice from me The Hunted
my lizards are desert themed and bear an orange shield. quite simple to do: use the GW foundation orange (Solar Orange?), then highlight 50/50 with the orange and bleached bone. next do some edge/tip highlighting with straight bleached bone. last step is an even wash of devlan mud to tone it down and bring everything together. looks good IMO but im the one who did it . pictures are on this page for reference: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6310&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20
A couple of suggestions... Firstly, have you painted any monsters or cavalry yet? It can look good to have the shield colours being the same scheme as another creature from your army so it looks like they took the scales from it. Something like your stegadon, or cold ones, even salamanders. Second thought, it is always good to make the shields contrasting from the rest of the model so they stand out and break the model up a bit. If you have gone with mostly browns and reds, then a green would probably look good for the shields. Or possibly a blue or even white/light grey.
just as stewart said, contrast is very very important. for a brown/red scheme i would use either a bright green or a rich blue color, since that would provide some really good contrast. you could also do a white/grey if you want more realistic stuff. even a golden yellow would probably look good
It would help a lot to see some pictures of saurus themselves. That way it would be easier to suggest something in the same theme. But I agree with the rest of the posters that shields are quite easy way to get some contrast on your models. I'll throw another suggestion in to the pool. Try using bleached bone/white. I think it might suit well with the rest of the scheme, give some brightness to the models and also would keep the overall look toned down and realistic. BR Agrem
Thnx for all the great tips! my cold ones are tan with pale green on the back and brown scales. So my first thought was to make the shield a pale green lite the cold ones, but then I thought it to be to much of a cliché with green and red (the most common contrasts!) Would be cool to make then like blue/green-ish insted. but that doesn't seem so realistic, since realism is my theme for the army (-of walking lizards with spears and shields ) I might go for a yellow or a white then, now at least i have some ideas! Pics might be added later when my camera stops to fu#k up the white-balance in the pics. Next hard part is the spear shafts, since my lizards are mostly brown and the spear heads are obsidian (black) i dunno what color I should use for the shafts, maybe just another shade of brown... simple enough.
screw realism! go for maximum cool-factor. it is called warhammer FANTASY battles. not warhammer realistic battles
you can just see the edge in my profile pic, but i've done a dark angels green shield for my skinks with a light drybrush/highlight of Kommando Khaki for that contrast/light effect. If your Cold Ones are tan then i'd probably go with the same shade shield and a white or bleached bone highlight like Agrem suggested above. Of course this is just in my mind and may look like donkey nuts IRL, but the idea is out there.
Okay i just painted the base coat of the first shield, I went with the same green as the cold ones. so far it looks nice, still only the base coat but still gonna paint more later have to go to school now. Hopefully I can get some pics up this afternoon!
Heres a WIP pics of my first saurus, still some stuff to do. Sorry for the bad pictures, gonna recharge my camera so hopefully it will be better pics later on! (phone camera atm)