Hello I'm dont good in english so sorry for my language. I wont place there pic's my army but, we can started from few links to outside gallery: http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/puszkin http://mininatureart.blogspot.com/ And Treeman sculpted by me, now i cant do new photo but i fix a little that miniature.
Hey I've seen some of your work on CMON. Welcome to Lustria Online! Cool looking stuff there. What is the creature on the palanquin (painted) photo? It looks a bit like a Tyranid to me.
Thanks for comments This is Skink i know is look like alien becouse he have animal skulls on head, i painted him but i cant make a new photo (my camera is broken).
Very nice Slann sculpt... just the nose and the lips are a little bit too thick for my taste... OVerall very cool miniature
Hello i'm back. Today i id'like to introduce you the Slann (painted). I have problem with submit the images so i givie u link to my blog and imageshack. http://mininatureart.blogspot.com/2012/12/witam-pod-duuuugiej-przerwie.html
Ok i'd like to share with you my painted conversion of Kroxigor. I haven't idea why i cant share photos i recive informaction: "Your images may only be up to 1 pixels wide."
Slann 360% Have you some idea what i can give to skink hand? (he's in palankin). His weapon is the last thing what i need to finish the mini.
You have several options there. From his stance, I would say that he looks to be holding either a staff or a dagger. You could put almost any weapon there as well. It looks great by the way.
I present you my conversion of 7ed Kroxigors. I dont know why in first page dont share my pics (kroxigors). I thinking about snake spear or jade dagger for Skink hmmm maybe i wait for inspiration.
http://mininatureart.blogspot.com/2012/12/step-by-step-jungle-base-part-1.html My tutorial how to make jungle bases part 1. Enjoy!
Wow, those are good looking roots! What does the tool in the hand drill do? Are you making grooves with it?
http://mininatureart.blogspot.com/2012/12/step-by-step-jungle-base-part-2.html next part Enjoy! I make it from wire, needle or safety - pin. Yes I make groove with it.
Wow your stuff is awesome. Can't believe you took the time to hand sculpt all that stuff. Especially the treeman. He looks awesome. Way better than GW's crappy model.