Maybe this will make a good convert?
that looks really nice... worth buying... depending of the size... might be a little too big I think..
Wow when are these coming out, they might be a great conversion for Tik-tak-toe or a Chief on a Terradon. Ps. found an alternate link....
First thing I thought when I saw this model was "Skorne is getting a flying carnosaur!" Privateer Press make some amazing models. Hopefully, this might fit in fantasy some how.
Eh...just looks like someone took a saurus model and put wings on it. Although it looks cool as a stand alone model, not something I would call a Terradon. Just my two cents.
When is that thread going to get a rez, strewart? I saw it floating back on about page 28 or so. Did you ever finish them?
Nah I haven't finished them yet. I switched to using charmeleon skinks in my army instead. And yes, I know I was going to post photos of them 'soon' as well..... They are at least assembled and started, I'm stuck on how to paint the green though.
No its not, you can still talk about price all your like. It actually raises a very good point about this alternativem odel. It costs $30 so a unit of 3 is costing you $90 and if like my army you want 6 its $180 which is far too expensive to realistically use as a unit. It is a fantastic model but for 99% of people it will remain a hero conversion only and for 1% who have more money than sense they will have lovely terradons.
"It is a fantastic model but for 99% of people it will remain a hero conversion only and for 1% who have more money than sense they will have lovely terradons." I loved that.