I have a pretty simple question about regiment fillers. Are there any rules set forth by Games Workshop about these? Are they tournament legal or is it kind of house rules. I think you could make some really cool Lizardmen themed fillers and stretch out the figs I have no to make more units. Anyone have any thought on this?
My experience has been that unit fillers are great and accepted especially if they really fit the army theme and as long as it's been incorporated into a way to count/remove dead models. Some methods Ive seen were LM unit fillers with different snakes/or other scenic items that were removable (magnetic?) to count for a dead model. Im not sure what others have experienced though. - Lord Cedric
you can see them even in white dwarf: a magazine made entirely to sell you more citadel miniatures. if they think it is OK there, id say its OK anywhere
I'd say as long as most of your unit contains the models they are supposed to be it is fine. I think it actually make the unit look even better if you are able to pull it off and gives it some more character. I don't see any point why anyone would disallow them if they keep in the reasonable measures. Just don't stretch it and I think you're fine. BR Agrem
Basically anything goes, but they just should not be confusing, and you should not milk them to the extreme. In some of my Night goblin units i put some old cyclops models i had lying around. In an goblin unit that is ok, but in a skink unit you cant because they could be mistaken for kroxigors. personally i limit myself to roughly 20-25% of the unit. So in a 20 strong regiment i would "fill" 4-5 models. Anyway if it fits the theme you could get away with more. In special units (like skirmishers) you really should nt use fillers, as that may get confusing.
I think it's a great way to "tailor" your units more, make them more personal. I've heard something about 2fillers/10models, so 4 fillers in 20man unit and so on. But I don't know where I've heard it I also like to make the fillers to be "fightable", lite snakes or lizards instead of stones and bushes (a mix of the two can be awesome! - a snake on a stonepillar as a saurus )