8th Ed. Lizardmen and Raze and Ruin

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Scalenex, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I got a friend playing in a long running campaign with multiple players where Raze and Ruin scenario is extra important. Every player has a garrison force that can't leave their base and a roving force that can. To make a long story short roving forces get extra gold (which is used for army upgrades) when they beat another base in a Raze and Ruin Scenario. Defenders stand to lose extra gold, lots of gold if buildings are destroyed outright and not merely captured.

    There are no LM in the campaign. I'm too geographically removed to play in it. But if I were there I'd wonder how to go about the scenario.

    I don't know what LM units work best for defending a Raze and Ruin scenario. I feel for buildings you are stuck with Saurus that can hold ground okay but can't do anything but wait for attackers and skinks which can always stand and shoot but have a reasonable chance of breaking. If the enemy had cannons (with which to level buildings) I don't know how I'd go about stopping them without not bothering to garison the buildings and try to defeat the whole attacing force in the field. Raze and Ruin limits the ability of both sides to use scouts so chamo skinks wouldn't be able to provide the usual anti-war machine tasks.

    On the other hand the LM have no real ability to attack a building without occupying it. What forces would a LM roving force want to best capture buildings and would gearing a roving force for taking over buildings impair it's ability to fight battle lines?
  2. Naiilo

    Naiilo New Member

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    Are you playing with only 2 units? what is the point value. A TG Bunker with ether a life slann or a Skink Priest would make a solid defense and you could use saurus with an oldblood or scar vet, or CoC to attack other bases. The priest with plaque of tepok would give you a good chance of getting comet or lightning, both very good spells. Depending on points, I would run something like that. A Stegadon with war spear would be effective as well.
  3. ForgottenKnight2001

    ForgottenKnight2001 New Member

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    If the scouting from chamo skinks isn't allowed, I'd probably take a couple units of terrodons to deal w/ the war machines. Even if they can't kill them, they can tie them up until the units in the building are in combat and can't be shot
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Check the special abilites of Lord Mazumundi (Ruination of Cities).
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The points value is not set. Each army starts out at 500 points and then each player gets gold to boost their armies every campaign turn up to a 3000 point ceiling.
    Non-wizard heroes (without magical items) and Core can be bought for one gold piece per point.

    It costs 500 gold for a building to let you buy Special troops, 500 for Rare, 500 for the ability to take wizards and magical items, and 1500 gold to buy the right to buy Lords. In addition to increased buying options, the Lord building gives you an extra watchtower and the magical building acts as a stationary engine of the Gods (though it can’t be garrisoned with a unit, only a single wizard who can’t leave it but gets a ward save). Round one you get 3000 gold. All subsequent rounds you get a small allowance of gold plus some gold based on how well you did in your battles the last round plus game master events (like tournaments) and special rules set by the game master (such as dwarves get bonus gold if they have a unit of miners in an army occupying a mountain tile). I think the amount of additional gold people are receiving is about 300-1000 per week (ranging from really unlucky to really lucky).

    I figured if I managed to get into the campaigns next incarnation I would want a Slann ASAP so I would buy the Lord buildings and magic buildings up front. This would let me field a naked Slann in an 1100 point roving army with some assorted Core, and roughly a 600 point garrison army with a skink priest to control the magic tower. I figured since the odds of the base being attacked in round one is extremely small, I could get away with a weak garrison right out the gate.

    My second round of purchases would be to buy the Special building and make a Temple Guard bunker for the Slann and buying the Slann BSB status, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, and an additional discipline. Then the next step is to boost the garrison force to the same size of the roving force (though I’m not sure what with). Then I have no idea what to do from there.

    It’s not that scouts aren’t allowed, but in a Raze and Ruin scenario the entire attacking force arrives as reinforcements after the defender places Scouts, so they could keep place their war machines well away from the scouts with minimal effort.
    At the start of the campaing the players all voted almost unanimously to ban Special characters from all armies. Otherwise Maz almost goes without saying.

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