Well, in the list i play i usually play 2 scar-vets, one with great weapon and one with hand weapon and shield (the one carrying the "crown of command"), and i want my heroes to look different from everyone else's, so i am converting them. You've seen the scar-vet with great weapon and the first slann, so now i have to show you the other scar-vet. I wanted it to look a bit like Jakrum, the character of the Terry Pratchett book "Monstrous regiment", so i have given the model a belly and a lot of muscle (in the back, the arms, the legs...). Also, i wanted it to have some motion, so i repositioned the torso and the head like if he was shouting or encouraging his troops, so he is like turning to his men and shouting "Freedom!" like William Wallace in Braveheart. I hope you like it, as i am preety satisfied with the final result (i even like it more than my throne of vines , but that's just my opinion). Front view: Side view: Rear view: The other side: A view of the scar-vet back: I'm really satisfied with this view, by the way, as now the model really looks like he is a total bad-ass with a lot of muscle. A detail of the arms: By the way, sorry about the quality of the pictures, but i'm no photographer and my camera is not the best in the market. What do you guys think? CaC always welcome.
Looks great. Love his little paunch, and definitely gives the cheering effect. Did you think about making it so the weapon was touching the ground, so he was leaning on it a little?
Yeah! I'm glad you noticed it, as the motion i wanted him to have obliged the model to lean on the right side, and i thought that it was more natural to lean on the weapon. Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
lovely pose! though i agree that it would have been even cooler if he was leaning the weapon on teh ground
Hey, be sure to crop the photos, lighten them if you can, and when you take them use a tripod and open the apature up so that you have maximum depth of field and everything is in focus, front to back. The mini looks promising...keep us updated