Hello, Lustria online forumites! I'v been reading white dwarf since I was 11 (16 now), and just recently decided to start PLAYING! woot. After looking through all the armies, one in particular caught my attention, the lizardmen! SO, I started looking up paint schemes, tips, and ideas. Which, of course, led me to this forum. I'll be ordering my lizardmen sometime this week. In the meantime, I'd like to ask all of your advice, (I'm asking on this thread so that I do not have to make two.) What should I start off with, as a beginner player? Should I go for a battle force right off the bat? Should I buy 10 0000000 saurus'? etc. Thanks for reading, and thanks doubleplus for answering!
The battle force is a really good start. later add a Slann Mage-Priest and some Salamanders and you have yourself a nice army Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to Lustria-Online! Hope you enjoy your stay here, and no; we do not have roomservice . On a more serious note: The battleforce is a good place to start. It will help you get the grips on the game, and gives you a nice base for your collection. After you've played a few games, you can decide what you want more. Salamanders are pretty much always good, and the Slann is also very powerfull. But, if you decide to go all-skink, go for it! The Hunted
I suppose I'll be getting the battle force then! Now all that's left is to decide which army my friend is getting. (Since I'm buying BOTH! )