Hey all, My name is Raein or Nathan... i have only recently gotten back into playing warhammer and needed an army i used to play dark elves but wanted something different and i saw Lizards and i thought that they would be an interesting army to use, so i went and got my self a battalion box and an saraus old blood.... i have some miniature painted already but not based yet.... i have actually found this forum a few times and seen some of the painitng skills and i can say i wish i was that good, but we get that
Welcome to the community and great choice for picking Lizzies! (every time I type that, I think of the old Rampage game) They can be a bit of a challenge, but have great models (for the most part - i'm looking at you Kroxigors) and can be tailored to all play styles from what I've seen.
Welcome to the forums!!! I hope you enjoy the Lizardmen as much as we all do. It's a very versatile army that is strong in a lot of phases. Looking forward to see your painted army!