lords slan bsb oldblood w/ armour of ancients heros lvl 2 skink priest w dispel scroll + diadem of power core 30 warriors w/ command + spears 25 skinks w/ command + 3 kroxigors special 29 temple gaurd w/ command 6 chameleons w/ brave 6 chameleons w/ brave 1999 Depending on who I am playing swap between metal, life, and light. Pretty straight forward in terms of tactics, the saurus & skinks on the flank of the temple gaurd while the chameleons do their job. Oldblood goes with the warriors for support, priest with skinks. thoughts?
You can't have both of the magic items on the skink priest since they are both arcane. Also the slann needs to have at least 1 discipline. The list is a little different from what you see most of the time. You don't have any skink skirmishers or salamanders, which are pretty good. Good luck!
oh yeah forgot they were both arcane, and the discipline will change from time to time since it's free. thanks for the heads up