this is a long shot but does anyone acctully like this thing? i just had the bits from my steg (anceint) and made it! also should i make one with the blowpipes too??????????\
Having trouble posting a photo to go with the thread? You need to use [pic] tags not . If you are talking game terms, an ancient steg with giant blow pipes is much more effective than a regular steg.
hmmmm cant seem to get the picture on, its really bad anyway its just the bow cut of and glued on a base, with 2 skink crew and the arrow holder i really just got bored and made it
It actually surprised me in the book that the lizzies are quite capable of building giant bows on big monsters but that they never realized that it is much more handy to have them seperate. anyway, i like the idea and i personally i wouldn't mind anybody using such a thing against me (as a regular bolt thrower) in friendly games. for the pics you need to upload it to ze internetz first. (via photobucket for example). Then just copy the direct link and put it between [pic][/pic] You can't use the regular image links in here, as they have disabled the usual script.
Check this thread for a step by step guide on posting photos:
I'd always assumed the lizardmen liked being more mobile, lugging a giant bow on the back of 20 skinks would be incredibly awkward, whereas on the back of a stegadon it would just step over/run through whatever was in its way. However, make 3 skinks carrying a giant blow pipe army legal and I'd have 5 or 6 of them in my army in a heartbeat
yups , i also dont imagine skinks carrying the bow, but what is stopping them from off loading the bow/blowpipe before a battle. Its also not that empire canon crew is carying their canons themselves either. I see a role for terradons here; something like this