Just one little thing I'm doing now. What do you think about it?
I thought that was the camera flash, if that's the way it's painted, that's a great job doing the point of light and spreading it out naturally!
In fact, it is a OSL effect I painted it in order to give the illusion of a light spreding from the eye It's the first time I use this effect, but it seems many people likes it.
Nicely done! Not exaclty sure.. but for some reason that model reminds me of a Klingon. But in a lot of ways, I almost prefer this one over GW's. I also agree with Arli in that the forehead blending of the white looks very good. - Lord Cedric
Thats a very cool alien looking Slann! Nice work so far. I have the same model and I am considering a similar theme for mine.
I really wish I had one of those. It was a limited edition thing right? I wasn't into the hobby at the time to snap one up.
Yeah it was a Games Day Special. A lot of people still have them unopened to resell, they sometimes appear on ebay or Trade parts of forums. I got mine a couple of years ago for about $50.
many thanks to everybody^^ In effect, it costs to me 78 euros, but I'm collecting ALL the lizardmen models of any miniatures brand... As a palanquin, I'm using the one of the GW slann, but in resin, just to make some works on it^^ By this weekend, the slann will be ended. Then, I'll start with his palanquin ps I'm sorry if my english is not very good. I'm italian and the only two means by which i learnt english were: 1) warhammer rulebook 2) universitary scientific books so, my skill in "having a talk with people" might be not very high^^
No problems. IMO, your English is better than some people who the language is their primary - not to mention that your punctuation is decent as well. The irony of a person learning English from the Warhammer rulebook is kinda funny in that GW writes in a way that some rules are interpreted different ways. So mega kudos to you for that as well! - Lord Cedric