Was just wondering if anyone has ever tried soldering his or her metal figs; and what kind of results they had? I just picked up a bunch of metal stuff and need to get it all together, spent over an hour pinning part of my Keeper of Secrets for my Daemon Army and it is a giant pain in the ARSE!
Nope but I did stick my temple guard shields on with some 2 part metal bonding epoxy. And my terradons have liquid nails holding on thier pinned wings.
I've never soldered a model together. It's crossed my mind, but it seems like the model itself is a pretty soft metal and might melt if you got too careless w/ it. I've used 2 part epoxy to great effect as well.
I have not. I have tried pinning and it did suck. Now, I try to use a mixture of superglue and green stuff to put most metal figures together. With the exception of a plastic to metal dragon's hand, that has worked out fairly well. @ForgottenKnight2001 Interesting signature. Where did you get it?
I attempted it. The solder didn't really flow onto the material very well, and its true that I was very worried about the model melting. Not really worth it IMO. Metal models are a pain in the arse, but really the best method is to pin every piece and support the joins with greenstuff and superglue. Build the model slowly and careful with the idea of not wanting to rebuild it further on down the track.
I used artwork found online and created them on userbars.com If you want to use them, feel free. If you can find a good picture for warriors of chaos, lemme know
Well this all very OT, but I thought that your signature was clickable and led to all your different collected armies, that would have been an nice touch. Although I like the looks of the sig. Regarding soldering metal figs. I've never done it, I'm afraid that it would melt and ruin the figure. Pinnning, superglue and a small amount of greenstuff has always worked for me in the case of putting metal figurines together.
Arent the metal models not basically made of the same material as solder? You will just melt your figure if you want a strong bond. anyway, pinning the critical parts and using a good glue (not super glue) are probably much better.