When I reed through my army book for the 2. time now, I discover a few oddities.. First of all: We no longer are able to hire Dogs of War. Not that I really care as I've never used them, but I still think this could have been added or decribed somewhere as they do got an history... Another, and more confusing bit is the Horned one Magic item.. A cold one with is a saurus OR SKINK only. If we're not allowed cold one riders of Inxi huinchi(or whatever the nave of thouse mercenaries) the Lizardmen doesnt have any choises for skinks to ride coldones and would not be able to ride a hornet one either as I see it... I think this was the first things that struck me. Ok, shoot comments
Every new army book that comes out excludes dogs of war as warhammer is looking to get rid of them all together. As for the horned one, ya its messed I don't know why its an enchanted item imo it should be a mount option however make it that only one character can have a horned one in the entire army/
The horned one should definitely be a mount option.. Hell it is just for heroes, and if they are going to join a cold one unit they will be effected by the stupidity anyway. As to Dogs of War, GW aren't phasing them out. They are just leaving them out of the current books to keep their options open for what to do with them in the future, you can still field them. This used to be described on the UK website under Dogs of War, but that seems to have now been removed. You can still see the rules for them and use them from the OZ site here: http://oz.games-workshop.com/games/warhammer/dogsofwar/default.htm
If thats the case, it should be mentioned somewere in the armybooks. I bet there is many players that don't even know about them, least that they can be an legal choise in your army... As I see it, this should be faq'ed.
Yes, there are many many players that do not know about it. I have had to answer the question and provide a link on at least a dozen occasions on different forums. In fact, at this stage I wager there are enough players that don't even know DoW exist. Really, if someone is dedicated enough to want to use them, they will be able to find the rules. Most people don't really care. It is mainly giants that get used these days.
Are the rules for Dogs of war official and a good-to-go in any tourny? Thinking, just becous they don't are mentioned in the new books.. again, just out of curiosity
Personally I believe DoW has the potential to become a really cool and different type of army, had GW only shown interest in promoting them (and giving them a proper army book like all other races).
DoW are the squats of fantasy. Well, I didn't even think of that DoW was removed, don't care either. It's pretty weird thou that some of the fluff from the previous has either been totally removed or rewritten.
It is up to the tournie organisers.. Some allow them, others don't. I personally wouldn't since they have the potential to completely unbalance an army, filling in a normal weakness. But, that could be just a frustrated HE player who cannot take a giant (only certain armies can) speaking.
the trouble with DoW is that it is an unbalanced army. it can do very well in tourneys with its 3 ranks pikemen. moving galopper guns, some of the best cavalry in the game. but getting a working army is expensive and many tourneys don't allow them any more. GW has mentioned that they keep a armylist available just as they do for chaos dwarfs, but they won't support it any further. so don't expect anything new or good to come for either of these armies any time soon. maybe when the "lost kingdoms" army book comes out (when hell freezes over, pigs can fly and GW lowers its prices by 50%)LOL