Absolute, 100%, total Warhammer nub.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by William, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. William
    Jungle Swarm

    William New Member

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    Hello Lustria-Online, my name is (who would've guessed) William, I'm 16 years old and from Australia, oh and I have less than 10 minutes experience playing Warhammer.

    A couple years back a friend tried to get me into 40k, and having absolutely no artistic talent I really didn't do anything about it, after miserably failing to paint my first Space Marine miniatures.

    Since then, I have found myself lurking forums and watching countless videos, all the while not even playing the game. After all this lurking, I picked up some Tyranids, having learnt of how easy certain methods of painting can be (such as a simple wash).

    After painting up about 10 Nids I realised something: I prefer the look of fantasy far more than 40k. After thinking about getting some Tomb Kings, then High Elves, I decided to finally settle on Lizardmen after seeing the amazing Lizards from Lustri-Online user "neveroddoreven".

    I am currently looking into doing a slightly simpler version of his scheme, maybe a little different, I just love that purple skin and varied scales. I think I'll mostly stick to washes and perhaps a couple highlights, but I have much left to learn experience wise, and no matter how many tutorials I see, I will need some hands on practice before I get the hand of it.

    See you guys around the forums :D
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions that you may have. We look forward to seeing your proguress.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Greetings, welcome to Lustria Online and LM from a fellow Aussie!

    About painting, almost everyone starts off as a beginner. Sure read plenty of tutorials, they definitely help, but IMO the single best way to improve your painting skills is to push them. Try new techniques, try harder things, try finer details... You will get better quickly. Remember, there is no problem with making mistakes since you can always paint over them again or strip them back and start again. Focus on neatness to start with. Feel free to post some photos on the board for feedback. :)
  4. William
    Jungle Swarm

    William New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome guys.

    So far the only mini I have painted half-decent was a Tyranid with quick-shade, my friend had some left-over and I tried it, but I don't really like the effect it leaves. I'm going to try out some more dry-brushing and washing the see what kind of tones and textures I can get.
  5. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Hello and welcome to Lustria Online and Warhammer Fantasy in general! As was previously stated, feel free to post pictures of your works in progress and/or finished works. If you have any questions, browse the forums for an answer or if you cannot find one or not satisfied with the answer(s), simply ask it in the appropriate thread. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and checking in on your army! Once again, welcome to Lustria!

    - Lord Cedric
  6. William
    Jungle Swarm

    William New Member

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    Thanks. You won't be seeing my army for a while however. I have ordered in the rulebook (bought the island of blood version on ebay, because I am yet to do Christmas shopping, and holidays have cut my income a bit) as well as the lizardmen army book, and the new Blood in the Badlands book (Honestly, I just want the book since it's limited, and I don't want to questionably print my own later).

    After reading a bit and learning the rules, I will start building up my army. Hopefully i will get my hands on the big thick rulebook down the track as well, because it looks purty, and has some nice fluff and stuff (and who could decline 532 pages of hard cover, full colour awesomeness).

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