Been a long-time lurker just decided to make an account because I have a few questions I would like answered... 1.) Are the Lizardmen army going to get a new update anytime soon (8th edition book?) 2.) Are CoC useless? 3.) Light or Life? 4.) What is the best kitfor a LifeSlann and the best kit for aLight slann? 5.) If you give your slann a magic banner (set him as your bsb) can you also give your templeguard a magic banner? If so what are some of the best combos? I hope that's not too much...I decided to ask these in the tactics forum because most of my questions involve tactics, hope I made the right choice.
Ref which lore to use. Is it too much to ask to use both? Two half decent slann are quite easily achievable in game of 2800 points and above. So depending on how many points you play you can have both I personally prefer light if im playin an infantry heavy army list and buffing all units within 12" on some really good spells. If i have my two stegs then definately life. It can make those two models worth their weight in gold. Your best bet is to play a few games and see which works best for your style of play and prefered army list. Ive even gone as far as playing lore of metal and shadow before. Good luck in your search for finding the best tactics for your army
What advantages point for point would the Ld +1 banner and the Razor banner give over other combos? I m sorry but I am AWFB atm so all you need to do is post their effects I will look up the names later.
The +1Ld banner is very cheap (not sure if I am allowed to post actual points cost due to rules of the forum ), but it's very cheap. It comes with the disadvantage that the unit can't use the general's inspiring presence rule but, as the slann is in the unit, that doesn't come in to play. This makes your TG a coldblooded, Ld10, re-rollable, stubborn block. That is as close to unbreakable as they get. The razor standard is more expensive and makes the unit's attacks armour piercing. On a S5 saurus (due to halberd), this negates almost any infantry armour in the game. The fire standard is very cheap, very cheap. It doesn't often come in to play but if you are playing an opponent likely to have ethereal, flammable or regenerating troops (Vampires, Wood Elves, Skaven) it can be worth it's weight in gold. There are few other standards that are used often competitively but sometimes you might see a Plaque of Dominion (expensive, makes enemy wizards within 18" roll a stupidity test), sun standard (expensive, -1 to hit from long range shooting & -2 to hit close range) or a banner of swiftness (cheap, +1M). Hope that helps.
Warbanner is only +1 to combat res. Lots of other ways, I think to ensure an extra wound on the enemy for less than 25 points, I think. Most of the banners, with the exception of a surprise extra 6" charge on my CoC, seem a waste of points, or at least way over priced. The magic resistance is perhaps the best bargain and most useful overall. What magic item do you guys give your TG Champion?
Every point counts sometimes, also makes it harder for you to loose too. It's still a matter of taste though, just don't hate it when the dragon princes find it funny to charge your TG bunker.
Code: 1.) Are the Lizardmen army going to get a new update anytime soon (8th edition book?) Probably not. We have the best mages in the game (ticking the magic box), our infantry and army style is well-suited to tanking damage and grinding enemies to paste (ticking the 'horde of dudes' box), and the vast majority of our army is plastic (thus new models for most things not required). We still do just fine in the current edition, other armies badly need an update ahead of us. In this edition? Yes sadly. Cavalry of all stripes have taken a hit from the trend towards 'horde of guys' just static combat rezing everything to death. Ours is compounded by paying through the nose for 'Fear' (which is less effective than before) and high armor saves (retarded, as comparable cavalry are cheaper and better), whilst being slow in combat (a deathwish in 8th, where Initiative is king) and being subject to 'Stupidity'. As others have mentioned, they still work as a suicide disruption unit for breaking Steadfast or hunting warmachines (they are one of our fastest units after all), but I'd honestly take Camo Skinks or Terradons for warmachine hunting instead. Life is boring to play, it has only one offensive spell, and if 'Throne' is not successfully cast and kept up (because you can bet anything people will dispel it first), all your other spells are half as effective (roughly). Light solves our abysmal Initiative problem, it provides anti-warmachine and shooty defence (fantastic for a combat army like ours), and it can even trap deadly Deathstars until we can deal with them ('Net'). It's also great for mowing down Undead and Daemons, which is never a bad thing. The general rule of thumb is, Cupped Hands on any Slann that isn't Life. After that, I'd take just two Disciplines, you generally won't have the points for three or more. The two most pertinent in standard games are 'Rumination' and 'Mystery'. All seven spells from the Lore, free power dice with every cast, you're a god at magic. I'd also always make him BSB and General, he's extremely resiliant and well-defended in his TG bunker, which frees up your Old-Blood and/or Scar-Vets to be pure offensive (ie teleporting them into warmachines with 'Steed of Shadows'). If you have two Slann, I'd take the BSB and General combo on the more defensive Lore ie I run Shadow and Light, so my BSB and General is the Light Slann defensivly buffing with 'Pha's Protection' and so on, whilst the Shadow Slann is free to get closer to the enemy to unleash 'Pit'. With a Ld9 Slann leading the unit, and most other units are Cold-Blooded anyway, the +1 Leadership banner is kinda uneccessary. I'd go for the Eternal Flame, it's cheap and flaming attacks make everyone cry. For the Temple Guard (who can afford to splash out on their Banner, being Special), I'd take Razor Standard. Any attached characters will benefit from it as well, and cavalry will simply refuse to engage you (-3 to armour saves, flaming causes Panic etc).