Hi all, I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been wargaming for more than 10 years now and I first started it all playing Fantasy, back when the Vampire Counts were first introduced in 5th edition. I moved on to other games and sold off all my vamps eventually. Over the years, I've had a couple other armies for WHFB (I even had lizardmen, when they were rereleased in 6th ed.), but never really got to play much with them. Now I am getting back into Fantasy with a couple friends. I already have collected a huge Dwarf army, but I haven't tried the 8th edition rules yet. Why am I here then? Well I just started collecting another army, lizardmen! But not just any old lizardmen, just old lizardmen! Wait, what? Ok, well I have started this new project, wich is assembling an army of 5th edition lizzies. I always prefered their look to the newer stuff GW put out after. Of course, the army has changed a lot since it was first introduced and in order to have a working army that doesn't stretch the limits of acceptable "count as" and avoid wasting my precious time and dollars (OOP minis can be hard and pricy to get), I though I should seek guidance from true Lizardmen specialist. That would be you guys.
Hello and welcome to Lustria Online! There have been a few requests of people wanting to put together the old lizardmen style army. There may be people here that have some they would be willing to part with. It's good to see more veterens of the hobby come over. I have some of those VC's of way back then. lol. Like yourself, I have been around "a while" - first introduced in 4th ed. and started collecting in 5th. Anyways, nice to meet you and once again, welcome aboard! - Lord Cedric
Thanks for the welcome Lord Cedric. As I said, I haven't played a single game of 8th edition Fantasy yet, but I do have a huge Dwarf army. The lizzies are really meant to be a secondary force, I think this website will be of much help, for getting OOP lizzie minis and strategies to use them well.