What happens if you have a mixed unit of skinks and kroxigors and they get shot? Shooting attacks are randomized between the skinks and kroxigors, fairly simple. But.. What happens if the unit gets hit by a rank penetrating bolt thrower? How do you decide what gets hit and what doesn't?
Don't know any rules that clearify your issu, but you could agree some sort of D6 solution with your opponent ahead of your game...
I would have to believe that it works just like any other ranked unit. You line the "bolt thrower" up and look to see which units it would actually go through. I'm guessing that it would hit a krox and probablly stop after that.
I'd say randomize amongst the valid targets for ranks. So say you're shooting at the front of the mixed unit and it is six skinks wide, with the four middle files containing kroxigors. Just roll a D6 and say that a krox file is hit on a 3+ and on a 1 or 2 you can just kill skinks. Adjust the roll based on how many kroxigors you have. OR You may have to randomize first as per the mixed unit rules, then do the sequential wound thing only if you hit skinks (or if you hit the krox's from the flank). Might need a FAQ.
The closest rules to helping you is the following: WRB pg 90 - Warhmachines - Bolt Throwers - Firing A Bolt Thrower "If the rank hit by the bolt is made entirely of characters (including champions) or if the total of rank-and-file models in the unit is less than five, it will be necessary to randomise which model in the rank is hit." I know neither the Skinks or Kroxigor are characters. The original question is really do I want to skewer a full line of skinks or a line of skinks with a Kroxigor in it? I would guess, with common sense and spirit of the game style logic that you would randomise as previously suggested to see which rank/file will be hit. It seems fair when there is something 'special' in the unit that could be affected. Remember that ranks/files with characters in them including champions are never hit unless there are no ranks/files starting with normal troops.
I would agree. It states in the rules for the Mixed Unit that Shooting and Impact hits are randomized, so regardless of what is shooting you, I would follow exactly what the book states.