Next Army for update?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by manbearskink, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. manbearskink
    Jungle Swarm

    manbearskink New Member

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    I think the name of the topic is pretty self explanatory. anyone have any guesses or does anyone know for a fact? im kinda hoping brettonia gets an update so my friend can stop complaining. also just wondering when our army book comes out? cant wait to see our new models when we get them.
  2. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Lizardmen's most current army book is actually one of the more recent onces albiet 8th edtion hardcover books. The books release date was February 2009. The FAQs have updated much to 8th but still have some lingering questions on specific items/events.

    Personally, Im eagerly waiting for a new Brettonian, Wood Elf and Dwarves army books, which last printing was 6th edtion, 2004, 2005 and 2005 respectfully. The Ogre's are finally getting their's next up, which they were also last release 2005. The Empire and High Elves are the next oldest after this set, being 2007.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow.. It doesn't feel like 4 years since the HE got an update, still would have thought they'd be a long time off.

    At the moment, no one really knows who the next army is. There is very strong speculation that in a couple months, GW will be coming out with a WHFB equivelant of the Space Hulk box. Currently it is expected to be a 10mm scale naval game. If it proves to be true, there will not be a new WHFB army release until next year.

    You'd have to expect either WE, Brets or Dwarfs will be next since they are the oldest armies. However, all of them do function in the current rules, don't expect a GW update just because they are old. GW will update the oldest/weakest model line first, and probably the army that has the most metal units still in them. They will also look for one that they can introduce new units and a big kit or two easily, since that is what is selling for them. I'm not sure which army that would be off the top of my head.
  4. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Yeah. The High Elves were doing average in terms of army book update, but when 3 other armies are now in 8th ed. print, it makes the HE on the older side already.

    Though I'd agree with you on the lower 3 (brets, dwarves, and WE) functioning in 8th.. I'd dissagree with anyone who'd say that they are brought up to 8th ed. power.

    My first "love" of the game is Brets. I truly enjoy cavalry. The brets are primarily all-cavalry.. least being centered around it. The knights charge is it's "hallmark". When I first started playing, the knights had a lance formation (a triangle or wedge) with no limit on size. All the models on the outside got to attack whether in base contact or not. A bit unweildy, but very effective. Now it's a simple 3-wide by however many deep you want "lance" formation. 8th took their most valued asset to an initiative score - charge. Personally.. Id really like to see an ASF only on initial charge with the knights (chivilrous cavalry only - must have a vow). This would, imo, give back some power to their MO. It might not help them with other units with ASF .. but it's a step in the right direction imo.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah Bretonnians were my first army too, and I enjoyed their true lance formation with the wedge. Even the archers fired in wedge formation, they had character!
    I can see why they changed it, to streamline and simplify the game. Though if you ask me they are simplifying it too much, at the expense of good character. Except Skaven, they seem to get a weird special rule for basically every unit they have...

    The old armies certainly aren't strong or up to par with the usual power level, but in the right hands and with the right lists they won't lose every game. Brets are hurt by the weakening of heavy cavalry, they really have a lot of potential for characterful and interesting knights and a great army. My guess is they will be next, or at least soon. A while ago I heard talk of a large plastic kit for Brets in the pipeline including both a trebuchet and a (big) grail relique type thing. Not sure how accurate it is, but seems plausible.

    To be honest, I got bored of Brets. They were a point and charge army with not much in the way of tactics. Very powerful when they first came out, fairly weak now. I think they could definitely use some foot knights, or at least something different/unique in the army. Another reason they could be a high priority. Just speculation though.
  6. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    I am still guessing:
    1. Dwarf
    2. Wood Elf
    3. Bretonnians

    I think Dwarfs next because they are really a marquee army in the Warhammer World. They are in need of new models, they are used in a large force (more money for GW) and they are a fan favorite.

    Of course they could throw us a curve and do something awesome like reintroduce Chaos Dwarves!
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Prety sure Forgeworld is doing those...
  8. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Who is doing the book; Forge World as well?
    How does that work when it comes to tournaments?
  9. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well people where alowed to used the old unofficial fan made army book in several major tournaments...

    Take a look at forgeworlds Chaos Dwarf section, they allready have some working rules for each model they put out.
  10. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Here's an excerpt from WIKI on Chaos Dwarves:

    "In the 1990s, the Chaos Dwarfs were a fully supported army but by the end of the decade the models were no longer stocked in Games Workshop stores due to lack of popularity with players. It was thought they would be removed from the game entirely, like the Squats in Warhammer 40,000. This turned out to be unfounded when Games Workshop published an army list for them in the supplement Ravening Hordes when 6th edition Warhammer was released. Despite this, there was next to no material about them in any Games Workshop publication for the following few years.

    The Chaos Dwarfs are no longer directly supported as a full army like most in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle table top game. Their only "army book" is now out of date since the Ravening Hordes rules and Chaos Dwarf FAQ were removed from the Games Workshop website. There isn't a range of miniatures in the shops, but some of the miniatures were available from the Games Workshop Online Store for a time after the range was removed from the stores. However, around the end of 6th edition in 2005, the Chaos Dwarf miniature range was discontinued and made completely unavailable from Games Workshop.

    In the most recent edition of Warhammer, the Game of Fantasy Battles, there have been references to the Chaos Dwarfs in the rulebook and several of the newer army books for other armies. No new miniatures or army lists have been officially released. The list in Ravening Hordes is, at present, the army list that should be used by Warhammer players.

    Rumours of the Chaos Dwarfs' return spread amongst players. This due to the army being mentioned regularly in written Games Workshop material, and the Hellcannon crew being actual Chaos Dwarfs. A recent phenomenon among fans is converting Chaos Dwarfs using Dwarfs from the Battle of Skull Pass boxed set and parts such as arms and helmets from the Marauder and Warriors boxed set.

    During September 2010 Warhammer Forge was publicly announced as a Fantasy equivalent to Forge World, and included in the many display models were numerous Chaos Dwarf models, including the Chaos Dwarf Engineer, many large steam powered war machines and several crew models. It is still unknown whether full units of Chaos Dwarfs will be released but most rumors claim that this is going to happen

    Note that although the Chaos Dwarf army was not available in shops at the time, they were featured as an army in the Storm of Chaos worldwide campaign and they can be seen in the "Faction Rankings" section of the official website. They were an allowed army in the Games Workshop US 'Ard Boyz tournament of 2009."
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  12. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Some rumours said Brets would be next
  13. manbearskink
    Jungle Swarm

    manbearskink New Member

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    Im rlly hoping for bretts or wood elves or dwarves. My friend plays bretts and i destroy him everytime i feel they r pretty underpowered. Also i almost picked the dwarves but decided not to cuz most of there models looked pretty dumb.
  14. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    The hint that they got from the GW Rep, when my local called in his massive Ogre order last week, was Dwarves.

    Apparently the Rep did not come out and directly say it is the Dwarves, but mentioned that it is "A metal heavy army of stout warriors".

    That says Dwarf to me, could mean Bretts but the "Stout Warrior" thing I think means Dwarf.

    Maybe I am reading too much into a simple statement and maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part, but if it is true...

    "Woo-Hoo my Dwarves will come out of retirement!"
  15. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Personally, I was hoping for Brets being next in line but I can see the Dwarves as they are more popular and I think they even have more metal than Brets.. not sure over Wood Elves though. I'd welcome some new stunties though as I'd like to increase my Dwarves army.
  16. aroy
    Jungle Swarm

    aroy New Member

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    little late but supposedly empire is next then dwarfs i believe that's the word out right now.
  17. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Oh great, vampire counts get some new models and a new army book. They really needed it!
  18. sevensevensare49

    sevensevensare49 Member

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    what Mossy said :)
  19. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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  20. ForgottenKnight2001

    ForgottenKnight2001 New Member

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    VCs didn't need a new book but some price updates maybe. They did the White Dwarf "here's your new monster" route (oh thanks for the monster! Awesome model... now... if it was only playable).

    The magic needed a bit of an overhaul. The spells were somewhat lackluster compared to the new book spells (the same problem i have with some of the skaven spells), but they could spam them repeatedly which was annnnnoying.

    I think the biggest thing was trying to get people to use different models, if you came up against 2 tournament VC lists, you would be fighting the exact same army with the exact same strategies 90% of the time. Grave guard block in center w/ 2 banners (regen + +1 hit), skeleton bunker behind them w/ a necro or vamp with the item that gives the GG their weapon skill and a couple ghoul units on either side of the GG. It was the only way to play them. The TK also got skeletons for less than half the points that had the exact same stats as the 10 point VC models, but could take a bow for a whopping 1 point (still leaving them at half the cost).

    Skeletons and zombies (what the army was supposed to be based on) just simply got left behind.

    /// end thread derail

    I've heard VC (obviously) then empire (which seems odd imo, they're so versatile and balanced now, what more do they need?, but I'll still get the new book and dust off my steam tank) and then dwarves

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