Hello! So I've seen some pretty cool miniatures from other game lines for Chaos and Dwarves (like fantization), but these sites don't have very interesting lizzies in my opinion. Anyone bought models from another line? Anything remarkable out there?
Not really another source for alternate saurus or skink units, but the are quite a few model dinos out there for conversions. I found this site the other day. http://achesoncreations.com/index.p...ion=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1
That is pretty good! Don't think I can convince my girlfriend to do anymore conversions for me for a while though (she's the artistic one). An example of what I'm talking about: http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?skip=0&m=product_list&c=2105&fb_source=message vs. http://www.fantization.com/lizardmanlordx1fig.aspx (clearly a chicken) or http://www.fantization.com/lizardmenwarpartyunitx6figs.aspx Maybe I'm just too picky, but the first link have some pretty awesome heroes
ahh If you are looking for just a couple of alternate hero's then yea there are a few, Most of them are sculpted by the same guy, (Rikard / the build) he mas miniatures for sale on http://www.trollforged.com and http://www.avatars-of-war.com/ .
Cool! Thanks so much n810. You're one of the main reasons I decided to start posting here by the way! Some awesome paint jobs and tactics coming outa your posts
Aw.. Still only a few models from those two sites, and again, I still think the other armies have the cooler ones. For such a flavorful army, we are kinda lacking in the "awesome hero model" category
Whats posted is pretty much most of what is out there. I recall there are a few companies making walking crocodiles and such, but not much more in terms of LM models. Do a bit of a search in the CMON store and you might find a few. I think its because LM are a little bit more niche, and possibly not as popular as some other armies, so there is less available for us at the moment. Mantic Games may well do a lizard army at some point, which would give us cheap alternate plastics, but I wouldn't expect that for a couple of years since they seem to have lots of other plans right now.
I'm loving the look of the Draconid Shaman - pity there aren't any Saurus priests This guy looks like a good alternative to the Kroxigors too
The Sobeki from crocodile games make decent Kroxigor, if a rather different style. https://www.crocodilegames.com/store/itemList.cfm?catID=26&sort=prodID Also there are the Reptus from Reaper, but they are 25mm. but they are supposed to be taller than humans so it puts them at about Saurus height. http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/reptus & http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/lizardman/latest/page2 (ohh Reaper updated their site.)
Speaking of Reaper, I use the Lizardman Tyrants for Kroxigor. The size and style match well, and they're cheaper than the GW version. http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/lizard/latest/02404#detail/IG_630_3
Fantization doesn't ship to AU (or at least it doesn't give me a shipping quote) but getting the Shaman through the Cavalcade site here, it's only $10 shipping, which is honestly a lot less than i thought it would be. And the minis are $2-3 ea cheaper too! If that Shaman is huge next to a GW Skink Priest, I can always claim Blessing of the Old Ones. Will let you know how they all compare to the GW figures when they arrive if anyone else is interested.
Not meaning to self-promote here, but if you are interested in alternative models for Kroxigor, the ones that I am sculpting are about 90% done and should be available soon, most likely from Trolls Forge. Thanks
we are all looking forward to it mr T in the meantime, these guys would be cool as sauruses if you have the wallet for it http://cavalcadewargames.com/cavalcade/Dragonblood_Sunless_Kingdom.html
Let us know when they're available Thinkerer, the WIP shots on your paint log are looking pretty damn good! Do you have some of those Sunless guys already? i've got a Draconid Heavy Warrior, War Party & Shaman in the post.
Loving this model! http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/Reptus/sku-down/14549 And thanks for the heads up T'ink! I'll keep my eyes open for them!