Hi, Just signed up, but I've been using this rather useful resource for sometime. Thinking I'll start a paint log and try to encourage myself to get some work done! I've played 40k Orks for years, but when My friends were talking about fantasy I thought I would pick an army that would mean I could paint something other than GREEN! Here's my Skink Chief from my Zebra-Tailed Skinks: He's the only Lizardman pick I've got atm. Need to work on the photography skills as much as anything else. Got myself a Steg I need to finish, and a rather ambitious teradon conversion in the works. Need to get some more games under my belt and learn the fantasy system too.. So much to be done!
Nice. I like it. Personally I prefer lizardmen armies to be more colorful. Esp when it comes to the skinks. It's a really nice paint job. Looks like some high quality work. I'm just not crazy about the color chioce. Just a little drab for my tastes. Maybe a touch of green to brighten him up? JK. haha