Looking For Input

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jupe, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Jupe
    Jungle Swarm

    Jupe New Member

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    Hi, Just signed up, but I've been using this rather useful resource for sometime. Thinking I'll start a paint log and try to encourage myself to get some work done!

    I've played 40k Orks for years, but when My friends were talking about fantasy I thought I would pick an army that would mean I could paint something other than GREEN!

    Here's my Skink Chief from my Zebra-Tailed Skinks:

    He's the only Lizardman pick I've got atm. Need to work on the photography skills as much as anything else.

    Got myself a Steg I need to finish, and a rather ambitious teradon conversion in the works. Need to get some more games under my belt and learn the fantasy system too.. So much to be done!
  2. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Nice. I like it. Personally I prefer lizardmen armies to be more colorful. Esp when it comes to the skinks. It's a really nice paint job. Looks like some high quality work. I'm just not crazy about the color chioce. Just a little drab for my tastes. Maybe a touch of green to brighten him up? JK. haha

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