Army Fluff The Host of Chuqa-Xi

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Moniker, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    In my gaming group, we've all come up with a little description of our armies to make the battles seem more important. Here's mine, inspired by the City of the Moon and the small passage describing the Slave Warriors of Tlaxtlan.

    The venerated Mage-Priest, Lord Chuqa-Xi the Ebullient, has always been considered eccentric by the standards of his peers. Lord Chuqa-Xi mainly shares the same concerns as those Slann who also call Tlaxtlan their home. Primarily this means the destruction or removal of the Chaos Moon – known as Morrslieb in the tongues of Man – so that the City of the Moon can once again regain its legendary talent for astromancy and prognostication.

    Lord Chuqa-Xi is not so single minded as his brethren of Tlaxtlan, however. He has convinced himself, over untold centuries of meditation and consideration, that the key to the plans of the Old Ones lay with the Younger Races. How not? Surely they were not created and nurtured for naught. Elsewise, in the great cleansing wars of the Saurus during the time of the Old Ones, all the smooth-skinned races would have been exterminated.

    And so it was that when the first human travelers braved the fetid waters of the Piranha Swamps around the Amaxon delta they met with a grisly end, but not at the teeth of the region's voracious predators. A Lizardman army from the City of the Moon ambushed the raiders as they picked their way through the swamps, for Lord Chuqa-Xi had foreseen their coming. The Slann ordered the intruding warm-bloods captured rather then slain. They were brought to Tlaxtlan, and lobotomized in a bizarre ritual surgery. To this day, lobotomized humans serve in the armies of Tlaxtlan, drooling and incontinent, yet unflinchingly obedient to the will of Lord Chuqa-Xi.

    Contact has also been made with the female denizens of the Amaxon, who are allowed to breed with the lobotomized warriors in Chuqa-Xi’s army. When a boy is born, he is indoctrinated into the armies of the City of the Moon, while girl children go to the fierce blonde warrior women.

    As the armies of the world mobilize in this newest time of strife and war, so too do the cohorts of Tlaxtlan heft their weapons and march from their jungle homes. Lord Chuqa-Xi is determined that all must be learned from the Younger Races, that their place in the Great Plan may be known and their actions set to right – by any means necessary.
    Oh_Man likes this.
  2. SeamusG

    SeamusG New Member

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    Here's one I prepped some time ago.


    Lord Had-Rad-Dur is a relatively young, almost impetuous Slaan Mage Priest, if there ever could be such a thing, who is responsible to Lord Mazamundi for the East Riding. The Lizardmen have long controlled this area of the Ridings trying to bring order to this remote part of Albion. Lord Had-Rad-Dur is a powerful Mage who's only interest is magic. He is not averse to battle and when he goes to war he is unusual in that he rarely takes his temple guard, preferring instead to use his arcane powers to protect himself. As a ruler he is not particularly interested in the mundane problems that are an inevitable part of leadership. He leaves the majority of the running of the region to his trusted Senior Master At Arms; H'roth Bluetooth (named after the colour of his left canine fang), a respected Scar vet whose cunning and ferocity in battle are legendary. H'roth has lived in Fourkeshire for so long now that he has picked up the Fourkeshire stubbornness trait, he wears the crown of command. Fourkeshire unfortunately has a pest problem, Rats, big ones with...He has fought the skaven for so long now that he and any unit he is with have frenzy and hate all skaven. (As long as they have the skaven pelt banner). His two trusted lieutenants are both wily and highly intelligent Skinks, one a chief and one a priest. Paynal the chief has the role of sheriff, travelling amongst the outlying towns and villages resolving disputes and bringing order. For protection he rides his trusted stegadon mount Xzlax (named after the effect he has in his enemies), after all which bandit would be stupid enough to take on a dinosaur? His time in Fourkeshire has made him tougher than the rest of his spawn in Lustria. Xzillion the priest advises on spiritual matters and often is used as the conduit to Lord Mazamundi.

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