HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high elves keep smashing me HELP!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by prop11, Jan 21, 2012.


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  1. prop11
    Jungle Swarm

    prop11 New Member

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    i need help against my bro's hige elves he has 4 elywyn riders 20 sea guard, 20 sword masters, prince on griffon, and a lvl 3 mage any help??????? we play 1000 pt games

    i have 2 salamanders 2 units of 10 saurus 1 unit of 15 skink skirmishers and 1 unit of 20 temple guard.

    what advice can u give me what tactics and what units should i buy to expand my army???????

    any suggestions would be very happily accepted and taken into account

    PLS HELP!!!!!!! :rage: :mad:
  2. SeamusG

    SeamusG New Member

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    Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high elves keep smashing me HELP!!

    Check his army book for points value of his army list.

  3. SeamusG

    SeamusG New Member

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    Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high elves keep smashing me HELP!!

    Sorry I shouldn't be so flippant.

    I don't know elves that well in terms of points but I have played against them a few time and have only lost once.

    So you've got just under 700 points without any magic items. You also don't have any magic, which is probably why he is winning all the time.

    If you are only playing 1000 points then the first purchase I would make is a priest. Not the best magic user in the game but he is ok. Give him the plaque of Tepok and he gets three spells from the law of heavens. Because it is 1000 points you cannot use the engine of the gods, you can only spend 250 points on your heroes (25%).


    That would make an immediate difference to you. Why not ask him to to play a 1500 point game? Then you could take the EOGs the plaque of Tepok and a dispel scroll which should even things up a bit. Add another salamander and get them on the flank. 20 more Saurus for te centre and your on!

    Remember that deployment is key.

    Don't be afraid to get stuck in.

    Use the crown of command to counter/balance his leadership.

    Finally it's not about winning its about having fun. Why not try to do the most heroic thing you can during a game?

    Try off the wall tactics and enjoy. Hope this helps.


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