So I was not a fan of the derp lizards GW calls salamanders. However I noticed (like others before me) that Khorne flesh hounds would make fantastic salamanders! Hope you like them. Sorry about the picture quality; I have my camera, but I can't find the dang battery charger... These were taken with an iPad lol. You'll have to trust me that they look better in person . Also the flames won't really come to life until they're painted. All in all though I'm pretty pleased considering this was my very first foray into using greenstuff!
Those flames are gonna look amazing painted, I can already tell. I love the flame on the base, as well. Leaky salamanders! --DF2K
I've seen the conversions that you mentioned before... it almost inspired me to do my own... I would have if I hadn't already had mine completed. Anyways, these are looking very nice and the sculpted flames look very nice! Can't wait to see 'em painted.
Ya I've been thinking about that. I can do the orange body with dark red scales, but I was thinking that might make the flames not stand out very much. So then I thought some kind of dark green maybe. There's also black with dark red scales. What are some of your all's favorite salamander colorings?
Mine is orange, red, and yellow with bone highlights on the face and scales.. So needless to say he wouldn't work well if I'd greenstuffed some flames from his maw I like your dark green and black idea! Maybe throw in some pale green/white for highlights? Nice conversions by the way