after i went back to the drawing board due some errors inm y list i came up with this Slann mage priest; general, bsb cupped handes standard of discipline obsidian amulet focus of mystery higher stage of ... focused rumitation lore of lifeee giving me a ; LD 10 , immuun to mundane attacks, 2+wsv vs magic damage general Scar veteran Lightarmour , shield Biting blade dragon helm 30 Saurus warriors fullcommand Vet taking on characters with his 2+armour and -3 armour save attacks, and since a lot of people like flaming attacks, the 2+wsv might be a little surprise Scar vetaran light armour burning blades of chotec enchanted shield dragonbane gem 30Saurus arriors fullcommand Same as above=) 10 skinks javalain 10 skinks Javalain 6 chamelionis 6 chamelions stegadon stegadon 2250 C&C pleazeeee
I like it, only edit I would make is work in a unit of Slalamanders. Otherwise looks like a nice list.
what u guys think? drop saurus units to 24 lose the 11th skink Add in two salamanders? Advantage; sally fire power and extra flank stalker Disadvantage; saurus lose horde status... Or still go horde but only one rank Other option Lose one stegadon add 2 sallyes and unit of skinks Advanatege; extra annyoing skinks, sally fir power disadvanatige, nothing to protect saurus flanks let me know
Slann of LIFE General ; Bsb higher state of ... Focus of Mystery Focused rumination Obsidian Amulet Cupped Handes of the old ones Standard Of Discipline 2+wsv vs magic damage, immuun to mundane attacks, ld 10 general and bsb; lvl 4 wizard; cant go wrong with that i think? Scar Veteran LIght armour; shield biting blade dragonhelmet 2+save tough saurus, extra armour damage, and 2+wsv vs fire attacks , since they are so wanted now a days Scar veteran light armour burning blades of chotec enchanted shield dragon bane gem Simular to the one above 24 Saurus arriors FUll command 24 saurus warriors FUll command need some help going 3ranks of 8 or just go horde mode 10 sknks javalin 10 skinks javalin 6 chamelions 6 chamelions stegadon stegadon Salamander Salamander 2250... good?
maths can help you with the saurus problem. against anything tougher than human standard infantry it is best to keep them 5 wide. the active combat result part is so low that the maintenance of the ranks to negate steadfast is more effective. you can always reform them to widen formation while in combat if you feel confident that you will kill enough enemies to rout them in spite of you having fewer ranks. usually you will see that it is faster to rout the enemy by having more ranks than him than it is to kill him to the last man.
ok so basicly, put them up 5 wide, and once in combat see how fast my casualties are, and adjust to that just for the stubborn rule?
Saurus are not goblins or clanrats - I think you should run them 5 or 6 wide as they are only WS 3, so even 25 attacks against anything won't kill more than 6. With a 6-by-4 formation for your 24-man Saurus units, you will get at least +3 SCR, unless more than 6 Saurus die, which is unlikely.