so to get a rank you need 5 infantery models right? but when you have the slann do you need to have 5 or 6 models (looking to the front rank) because when you have the slann and a front of 5 model than there are 4 models in the 2nd and 3rd row. so that raised the quistion to me how much model you need for a rank also because one page 43 of the lizardmen rule book you see 2 temple gaurd left and 2 right of the slan (6 models in front row) this might be a bit confusion especialy with my english but i am sure you guys will be able to figure out what i mean if not please ask.
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Look at the mixed unit page of the LM army book. Since a Slann takes the space of 4 TG models, for counting ranks he effectively counts as 4 models. So if you go 5 TG across in the first rank then you will still get full rank bonus with the Slann filling extra space in the second and third rank. A lot of people do choose to run the unit 6 TG wide. This means the Slann sits exactly in the middle so it looks nicer, it also gives you an extra 3 TG attacks since you have an extra model across.
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Hello, To be Honest Why do you need Ranks? When a Slann joins a TG unit they have Stubborn, so you might as well put 4 in a row (to cver the Slann Anyway thats how I play it
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each I always run the TG unit 6 wide with a total of 20 TG. That gives nice support around the slann (in the case of a flank or rear charge). It does look nicer too. Another plus is that if you have them 6 wide and face an enemy unit that is at least that wide, you get your full attacks from all 6 TG. If you go 5 wide, you would lose a total of 3 attacks (2 from the front rank and 1 on the second).
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each i always put 30 up in horde formation, its a scary sight, and they havent seen combat yet hahaha
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each I have a follow up question, just got back to the game a while ago so this might be a no brainier but I was not able to find any information in the rule books about this. When you have your Slann with the TG, you do not count attacks from the second row he populate, correct? I.e. if you run six wide, and the opponent is six wide, you have a total of 14 attacks, 12 from the front units, and 1 from the unit behind on the left and right flank. Thanks
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Yeah the 5/6 bugs me too I run 5 wide in tourney (easier to manuever and less models needed for rank bonuses) 6 in play cause I like how it looks. *Ejpok* You still want ranks to provide positive combat resolution so the enemy will break and run.
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Base equivalent sizes are used when calculating how many ranks and files the UNIT has: for calculating which models get supporting attacks the slann counts as one model. If you have a horde of TG then the TG behind the slann count as in the fourth rank for calculating how many ranks the unit has for CR but as in the second supporting rank for calculating if they get a support attack. If you have a scar-vet on cold one in the front rank then the TG behind him gets a supporting attack.
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each @Eladimir I know that ranks are needed for CR but when you run a Slann with TG there is a 98% that you use Life on him and whn you use Life, you have regen and +4T to minimalize your casualites and a shield of thornes to do the damage
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Are you thinking of running 4 wide or making a Slann Torpedo with just 2 TG in front and a couple spare behind?
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Keep in mind that you probably don't want to willingly just give up on denying other units steadfast, no matter how much damage you do.
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each Personally I run both my Saurus and Temple Guard 6 wide. The reason behind this is the extra attacks, most people I play against run a 5 - 7 wide formation of 20mm models and with a 6 wide formation of 25mm models (Saurus/TG) you get all your attacks after maximization for both enemy formations, true you also run into horde formations of 20mm models getting more attacks on you but in this case they are still losing at least three attacks, if not more while you are gaining three/four in comparison to a five wide formation.