Hi, my name is Aaron and i've been playing Wh40k for a long time now. I decided to venture into WFB but i can't decide to choose between Ogre Kingdoms and Lizardmen. I reli love the aztec + reptilian feel of this army and bout the ogres is simply bcuz i love food (bcuz i'm a chef =.="). So i hope that through this forum i'll be enlightened to decide properly which army i gonna choose. Cheers~
Welcome! A full army of Ogres is a very imposing sight, and the new Stomp rule can be quite handy. There are a few LM vs OK topics on the site that are very informative. And if all else fails, why not start collecting both? I find that I can never have enough models.
Welcome!! If you're on a budget I would say start with LM. Ogres can run your tally up pretty high. Otherwise both armies are very fun to play, though I'm biased towards lizards!!