Army Fluff The Fluff of the Army of Mage-Lord Xhucha (In Progress)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Maazie, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Ancient Mage-Lord Xhucha
    He Who Wields The Darkness, The Hand of Tepok
    Lord of the City of Mists, Slann of the Second Spawning

    Mage-Lord Xhucha, a being of old and unfathomable power, is one of the few surviving Second Generation Slann. Like all of the Second Generation Slann, Lord Xhucha was trained and instructed in the magical arts by the First Generation Slann.

    Mage-Lord Xhucha had always carried the Old One Tepok's favor. His ability to control magic, even after the taint of Chaos perverting the Winds of Magic, is without equal in his spawning and even coming close to that of First Generation Slann. Existing for millennia Mage-Lord Xhucha has studied plaques long since lost and has mastered many aspects of the infinite art of magic.

    The Great Catastrophe shattered the Lizardmen world. Left without their divine masters and thrown into war, the First and Second Generation Slann were the only hope of saving this world. Near the end of the long war, after the tragic loss of the First Generation Slann, many of the temple-cities had fallen to the Daemonic Hordes. The City of Xlanhuapec was besieged, Mage-Lord Xhucha took it upon himself to save the city at he cost his own life. Using himself as a vessel channeling the unstable and supreme powers of a dozen younger Slann, Lord Xhucha sending out waves of annihilating energies obliterating the bulk of the invading hordes.

    Taking in such an amount of reckless energies would eviscerate any creature, Slann or Demon. Not expecting to survive the ordeal Mage-Lord Xhucha was surprised when he awoke years later he was greatly wounded by the energy but, through only the Blessing of Tepok, lived...

    His corporeal form was altered as having such raw powers flowing through him, the pure energies left his body riddled with glowing energy that to this day shifts and flows on his form. After his long recovery and meditations Lord Xhucha has mastered his new form, being able to trancent his mortal body and become a being of pure magic.

    As the oldest and most powerful of Slann he rules as the Mage-Lord of Xlanhuapec, the City of Mists. Rarely since the Great Catastrophe has he ever left the temple as there was no need for him to exert his disastrous power, and is rarely seen outside of the Eternity Chamber.

    As the world changed over the the countless sun cycles, Lord Xhucha has studied Plaques that his vassals have recovered, and meditated on the coming of the New One Sotek. He, unlike many Slann, was quick to accept the worship of the Serpent God, as the entity shows his favor upon the Children of the Old Ones.


    ( More to Come) 2-23 last update
  2. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Re: The Fluff of the Army of Mage-Lord Xhucha

    Kha'Ral, Guardian of Mage-Lord Xhucha
    Eternity Warden, Blessed of Quetzl
    Kha'Ral was spawned alone into the world, a most peculiar spawning one of the few times Mage-Lord Xhucha was present at the ceremony, the blessed spawning was predicted but a single Saurus Warrior was incredibly rare. Kha'Ral's silent focus and still gaze was obvious he was to be a Temple Guard.

    Imbued with the blessing of the Quetzl the Protector, and marked for greatness, his instincts, speed and skills were beyond that of even Veteran Warriors. After centuries of trials and battles, Mage-Lord Xhucha awarded him the revered title of Eternity Warden, an honor usually reserved for the oldest and most powerful of Temple Guardians, such as the legendary Prime Guardian Chakax. Wherever Lord Xhucha goes, Kha'Ral is always by his side observing silently.

    After these events Xhucha's favored guardian was adorned in powerful relics of his patron Old One Quetzl, enhancing his speed, awareness and foresight to beyond mortal levels. With his Sacred Armaments, Divine Blessing and Single-Minded focus to his master Kha'Ral is a disturbing sight to warm-bloods to behold on the battlefield as the stoic bodyguard blurs and eviscerates an army's champion in but a moment.

    High-Priest Tlax'Hex

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