Lzardmen Special Characters reviewed. (Not by me) http://www.librarium-online.com/forums/lizardmen/209265-special-characters.html -Andrinor
I personally love Chakkax but i agree about him getting nerfed, but i like to feild him just to stop my buddies kill all lords as they tend to buy nice toys for their boys.
At least Tetto'eko got a thumbs up. I started my conversion. And personally, I think he sounds really fun and I thought, slightly overpowered. If people consider him to be on par, then great. Happy to hear it. I feel like running special characters herald lots of cries of unfair, overpowered, and lame. Hope this one doesn't. Though I do plan to run him as a slann for the majority of my games.
Chakkax; what a cool looking model. I cannot imagine what they were thinking with the nerf though. It's like they didn't realize that he had a great weapon.
I used Tetto'eko the other day in a 1000 pts game. What matters most is how you interpret the rule about irresistable force on doubles: do you have to roll for miscast or not (aside from 6s). There is an open threat somewhere in the forums but it was inconclusive. My friend I played against read the rule and said that the doubles are not miscasts. As such, Tetto'eko is EXTREMELY powerful. Practically every second spell I used was irresistable. Throw in all the other goodies he comes with and he is without a doubt the best character model we have atm. Well worth the 250 pts. But as I said, depends how you interpret that rule.
the "herald of cosmic events" special rule does not AUTOMATICALLY cause IF, but just increases the chance of it (teclis does the same doesnt he?). hence such an IF will cause a miscast. if you on the other hand had an item that said something like "causes the next spell cast to be of irresistible force" that would be an automatic IF, and hence not cause a miscast. in conclusion, Tetto eko will die horribly in a puff of smoke half way through the battle
I don’t know I played my Daemons against a guy last night who was running his 2500pt Tourney List with Lord Kroak in a unit of 24 TG and he was awesome! Had he been fighting against anything but a Keeper of Secrets with Soul Swallower (heals wound for every wound inflicted) and a unit of 20 Bloodletters with a Hero he would have cleaned house. He was 1 dicing Kroaks spell very effectivly! He destroyed the unit on Bloodletters and did like 10-12 wounds on the KoS. Only reason the KoS survived was he just beat on TG to heal wounds until he could stomp Kroak. Anything other than the KoS would have vaporized a long time ago.
you just highlighted kroaks real weakness tbh. he has no extra magic dice. if he had he would be incredible, but casting spells on one die is like russian roulette with three bullets. you have 3 chances in 6 to be just fine, but, how many times are you willing to pull that trigger? a roll of 1-3 and he cant do anything else that phase. if he had had the free power die like norlam slann do he could spam away, but as it is now you would need to use 2 dice for each casting, giving you an average of 3 casts per turn, and that isnt that impressive tbh.
He was rolling well for winds of magic and had three channelers so he was holding 8+ dice each turn. He would roll two dice to pull out my dispel dice, and then two dice again, then two dice and then one die, one die, etc. It worked for him and he did some serious damage. However, he better for 600+ points. From where I was sitting, I would say Kroak not bad in certain situations, against a T3 army he is serious business.
I just hope the revision into the hard-cover book will be better than the errata we have now... I mean, can't have a carnosaur lead the charge in a unit of cold ones anymore, Tehenhauin is WAY to expensive (though I do tend to bring him in 1000 point storm of magic games, he rocks at that for some reason.. o.0 or it's my dice) I tend to go with home-brew characters; premade characters with items from the books. I mean, the only propper characters at the moment are Gor-rok and Tetto-ecco. Hell, I tend to put up skink heroes a lot for the sheer fun of it, some named some not, but either way they are always fun. As far as Kroak and Mazdamundi, I have never had them in the field, same as Kroq-gar, mostly because my opponents prefer to stick below the 1500 points. And there is a reason why I prefer not to take named characters(They are too much nerfed for their points-costs.)
Mazdamundi can be fun at higher level games. It's funny when you get into combat and actually are able to fight with the cobra mace. That will surprise most of your opponents. They just do not expect a slann to be able to hold it's own in combat (rightfully so).
Our FAQ says that you can only steal one level of Kroak's spell (the highest) not the whole thing. As far as Tetto'Eko, the BRB says that if a special rule says that it causes IF then it will not be a miscast (I'll find the page number when I get home and edit it here), so Tetto'Eko and every SMP using lore of heavens will be casting irresistably with out a miscast on double rolls not of 6's. I like running Tehehauin in 3k games. I take the SMP with ethereal, Fencer's blades, Crown of Command and Plaque of Tepok. Very well known build, but with the addition of the plaque I can make sure that if I get the Transformation of Kadon, I can down grade it and Tehehauin will get it since he will automatically get the two left over spells. It's a nice surprise for everyone when my two squishy wizards that are running outside of units start owning in close combat. I like to turn Tehehauin into a manticore, seems to do the job and no need to risk the higher lvl cast. I like a lot of our named characters but many of them are not viable. I usually play fun lists though and not necessarilly competitive so I use them often.
teh FAQ says that if an ability causes an AUTOMATIC IF it will not be a miscast. Tetto doesnt cause AUTOMATIC IFs, he just has an increased chance to get them, hence you should still miscast as usual
I disagree, it says that any roll of doubles is cast with irresistable force in which case it is covered under the BRB as an ability that causes a IF without a miscast. I'll find the verbage and post it.
Personaly I find a lot of his rules rather vauge, and I am rather hoping they put them in the next FAQ.
I see where you are coming from giving your interpretation of "automatically". However, it is also a true statement that if you roll double six it is an "automatic" IF/Miscast. If a rule states that you are able to cast with IF with any double then when you roll a double 3 it is "automatically" cast with IF. In my view we're getting caught up in semantics when we interpret it this way. Lets take a look at the FAQ below: Page 5 of the FAQ: "Q: Some magical items and special rules cause a miscast to occur on casting rolls other than that of a double six. For example, you might have to roll on the Miscast table if you roll any double. When this occurs, is the spell still cast? (p34) A: Yes, as long as the casting value is met." In the example given we can see that there is a rule in place that will automatically cause a miscast in any roll of double (DE Cauldron of something pops to mind) but because the spell also met the requirement to be cast it allows it to go off. Now lets look at the same example but for IF instead. If a rule states that a double will automatically cause IF then as long as the criteria of not rolling a double six is also met it will not have to be a miscast. What is true for one is true for the other. In the rule there is a bonus but you still need to meet the criteria for the other effect to happen. To me it just seems like a physics equation. You can solve for time and get a different looking equation than when you solve for distance. At least that's the way I see it and I don't feel like anything written on the books conflict with this.