I was lucky enough to find this terrain piece on Ebay, after which the company sent me a flier with my purchase to tell me their website: http://www.scotiagrendel.com/ Anyway, as far as I'm concerned this is the perfect lizardmen terrain piece hands down: The Good: Its a great piece in appearance, a sacrificial pit full of snakes, it even has a "trap door" on the edge of the pit (in a folded down position, not in pics) with a place to tie up a prisoner even. The piece is made of a solid chunk automotive grade resin, you can mainly tell from the god awful smell coming off it. The Bad: The snakes in the pit? They are anorexic, HUGE heads and long, super thin bodies. Flash, this model had the WORST amount of flash I have ever seen, one of the shields was completely covered by a flap of flash that had folded over onto it, and each one of those spikes/flames coming from the top of the ring had a large chunk going all the way to the bottom of the pit that I had to use a dremel tool to remove. Anyway, planning on painting this up with the desert theme I'm using for my lizzies and posting pics in here if anyone is interested.
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Got a chance to work on this a bit the other day before a match (In which I was devastatingly defeated T_T ) Here are some pics with the primary base coats, it still needs some touching up on them though. I also removed the skulls that were beside the steps as they looked too reptilian to me. It still needs ALOT of work though >.<