I got these in the mail for a pair of carnosaur conversions the other day, I realize that the models don't fit with the lore but I've always felt the Lizardmen army was lacking in snakes, so the way I see it... The skinks stole the wrong egg and just went with it in Sotek's name: I would post a pic of the models but my camera just cant take good pictures of bare metal, I'll try to work on at least one of them today and have a picture up.
I think a conversion would look deadly man. I would try doing something with the snake model on the left and the recent plastic lizardmen model released.
n810: It is Infernal Elf Serpent Riders from Crucible. I have actually bought the same package myself a few days ago, I am planning to use it in a conversion to create a skink priest of sotek.
The miniatures are actually made by Ral Partha though, I think the game they were for was called Crucible. A pic of one of them that I've been working on....A little worried about the size to be honest, sorry for picture quality but I cant get this camera to work right to save my life.
OMG! Those snake models. They were used in a game called Mage Knights as steeds for lizard creatures called the Shyft about 10 years ago. Wow. That's a blast from the past. Are the people who made the models in the photo the same company that make Hero Clix? If so I'm not surprised. Hero Clix were behind Mage Knights.