When the switch happened in 8th edition regarding skirmisher formations, I had to rethink all of my terradon, chamo skink and salamander units. You can find yourself in some big trouble if you don't have the correct formation at a given time. I have learned numerous hard lessons! However, this seemed to be my best Salamander formation for all aspcts of the game. I must say, it is a whole lot easier to move the units around on these trays! This shows the numbering so I can get them back where they belong post game: A link to the blog for more photos: http://wappellious.blogspot.com/2012/03/salamanders-and-skirmishing-movement.html
WOW! That is one sweet looking movement tray! Quite the inspiration. Thank you for posting! - Lord Cedric
Very nicely done! I can't wait until the only thing left for me to do with my army is work on movement trays...maybe by this time next year? Great job blending there, even though I have to say I like the sculpting on the older Sallies with the big sail better.
A lot of the static grass on here is that newer material that is more self stick in clumps. I can t remember the name of it, although it looks like GW has a version of it. I would have tried that poduct out, but the new policy of having no stock of anything in the stores prevents that.
Ah cool, nice, I thought you might have used one of these, which I've heard of people using to make grass that stands up straight... http://www.micromark.com/Noch-Gras-...eBase&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=GoogleBase
Wow, this is truly impressive, both the movement tray and the painting. any chance you can explain how you achieved the black look on the yellow skink and skirmishers? is that just using a black wash over the painted skink?
Im not sure but this product:http://shop.thearmypainter.com/products.php?ProductGroupId=3 Particulary the "Tuft" i use myself, and it is looking much like what i can see Wappe been using. Just a good tip, if you like the tuft effect. They got various colour schemes for whatever you prefer.